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New URBACT projects coming soon!

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

The second Call for Proposals for the creation of 12 new Thematic Networks and 3 new Working Groups has been closed since Friday 25 September 2009 at noon. The list of the approved projects will be disclosed at the end of November.

This Call for proposals was aimed at supporting European cities to deal with two current major challenges: the economic crisis and its consequences, and climate change and its effects. All new projects will refer to one or both of these challenges.

All the project proposals submitted by September 25, 2009 to the URBACT Secretariat are currently being evaluated by the External Assessment Panel (EAP).  Their recommendations will be presented to the URBACT Monitoring Committee on November 24, 2009. This URBACT supervision body, made up of two representative of each Member State involved in URBACT, will approve the new URBACT projects.

Late November, you will find on the URBACT website the list of the approved projects. These new URBACT projects, just entered in their Development Phase, will have to complete their partnership. We will put online their Lead Partners’ contact details; Thus you will be able to contact them if you wish to get involved in URBACT and become a partner in one of these projects.

Important!! Please note that Lead Partners and Lead Experts of approved projects will be requested to attend the Training Session organised in Paris on 9-10-11 December 2009.

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