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New ESPON Calls for Proposals and Expression of Interests

Edited on

21 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

The European programme ESPON has open 5 New Calls for Proposals and Expression of Interest. The deadline for submitting proposals and express interest related to these calls is 11 November 2009. The total available budget is 14.910.000 Euro and up to 31 proposals can be selected.

The 5 Calls covering up to 31 projects represent a major European effort increasing the knowledge and facts about the European territory, types of regions and ongoing dynamics and potentials.  Researchers, experts and stakeholders in the public and private sector from 31 European countries are invited to apply for up to 31 new projects on new analyses under the ESPON 2013 Programme. Public authorities are in particular invited to express their interest and ideas on future targeted analyses based on ESPON results tailored to meet their needs.

The calls are the following:

  • Call for Proposals for 11 themes of Applied Research (Priority 1 of the ESPON 2013 Programme)
  • Call for Expression of Interest for Targeted Analyses (Priority 2)
  • Call for Proposals for Targeted Analyses (Priority 2)
  • Call for Proposals in support of the ESPON Scientific Platform (Priority 3)
  • Call for Proposals for Transnational Networking Activities of the ESPON Contact Point Network (Priority 4)

Participation of private partners is possible in the Calls for Proposals on Applied Research Projects and Call for Proposals on Targeted Analyses as well as in the Call for Proposals on the Scientific Platform.

Only public authorities are accepted in calls for expression of interest for Targeted Analyses, and only institutions confirmed as ESPON Contact Points can submit and be included in proposals on Transnational Networking Activities.

For questions concerning the content please send an email to; for questions related to administrative issues and application procedures please send an email to

The documentation related to the calls, including the procedure for applying, the eligibility rules, the evaluation criteria and the submission material are available here.

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