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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I graduated in Civil Engineering, with specialization in Urban and Regional Planning, at the Technical University of Lisbon (TUL) in 1982. Prior to graduating I started work in the TUL CESUR Research Centre where I have participated in planning activities including advising local governments, presentation of papers at national conferences and research publications. I published my first scientific paper as a co-author in 1983 in the Journal ‘Arquitectura’ before completing a Master in Urban and Regional Planning (interdisciplinary, aggregating Architecture, Economy, Sociology, Geography, Institutional Studies, Ecology and Engineering Faculties) in 1987 with High Distinction. Simultaneously, I started my career in Public Administration in 1987 in the Cabinet of Studies of the Planning and Territory Administration Ministry. Between 2004 and 2007, in the context of my PhD programme, I lectured in disciplines of Urban and Regional Planning and Territorial Engineering for the 3rd year of the Civil Engineer Course at TUL. From 2006 to 2014 I was appointed national representative and coordinator of both EUKN network and URBACT operational programme in Portugal. I participated actively and developed a deep understanding of the major challenges regarding Sustainable Urban Development in Europe. In 2012 I was appointed Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia, where I developed a broader view of urban challenges and policy directions within the Australasia region.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have been developing international frameworks with UNESCO, as a National Delegate since 2004, with the University of Western Australia since 2011, and delivering short courses within Erasmus Mundus and other international Master Courses in Europe and Australia. Focusing particularly on developing new learning processes since 2010, which have resulted in relevant publications, collecting experience from the international students involved in these courses. In 2013 and 2014 I have designed and been responsible for the Monitoring and Assessment of the Learning Methodology applied within an intensive Course delivered to a group of Pakistan participants, under Australia Aid funding, at the University of Western Australia. In 2013 I founded, co-designed and launched the New Water Policy and Practice Journal, together with several international partners. Currently I am managing the International Advisory Board and an Editorial Board representing > 35 countries for the oversea publication of this English language journal, which is supported by Policy Studies Organisation, Washington D.C., USA.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Though I am Portuguese native, all my academic career is founded in English. My PhD was written and argued in English with an international Jury, I am anAdjunct Professor in the UWA and Editor-in-Chief of the English language journal New Water Policy and Practice Journal. In addition, within the Public Administration in Portugal, since 2006 I have developed almost all of my work in an international framework with EUKN and URBACT, speaking and writing in English for all purposes. I am also a Teaching Assistant at the University of Queensland and Module Coordinator with the International Water Centre (IWC) -

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have dedicated the last 5 years to learning for capacity building, aadapting specific and innovative learning methodologies and tools in the context of the courses delivered both to International Water Centre’s Master in Integrated Water and other international short Courses in Europe and Australia. In particular, the focus of learning and exchanging depends on the expectations of use of the knowledge achieved and the creation of an individual Return to Work Plan for each participant is a major focus of these methodological approaches. The lessons of these new approaches were captured in the scientific paper New Learning Foundations for Building Water Knowledge Bridges, published in the Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education. These ideas can also be extended to many different areas of knowledge and practice, including the organization of workshops where participants contribute to the objectives of their peers, and collectively applying the groups’ experiences to benefit each individual learning path. Learning diaries and peer review methods applied systematically in the Return to Work Plans, as well as tools to assess self-empowerment and capacity building, have proven to be very useful to design policy oriented studies, and these methods can be adapted to different institutional and policy levels.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My experience with Urban and Regional Planning began in 1982 when I joined the Centre of Urban and Regional Studies (CESUR) in the Technical University of Lisbon as a junior associate researcher, while I was still a Civil Engineering undergraduate. Since then I have always worked with an interdisciplinary view and sought integrated approaches between territorial and environmental dimensions, particularly water resources. In 1987 I joined the Portuguese Public Administration and embraced the cause of applying my knowledge to society and common interests. The benefits of this joint career are exemplified through 3 main projects: Adaptation and plan for implementation of Agenda 21 in Portugal (1992-93); work on Portugal’s River Basin Plans; and representing Portugal in the European network EUKN and Operational Program URBACT II. This last example created an opportunity to consolidate my previous experience and apply it to service national urban and spatial planning policy. Over 7 years I followed the dynamic change in Portugal’s urban areas and evolving interest in deeper understanding of challenges at the European level. In these roles I had the opportunity to communicate at the European level (Program and Monitoring Committee), the national level (following/contributing to urban policy changes), and regional and local levels, where the actors of change deal closely with reality. This privileged situation was an excellent path full of experiment, learning and sharing of ideas.
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have a dual career path in academia and public administration. My academic path, including affiliation with several universities in Portugal and Australia, has focused on water management. Complementarily, my career in public administration has focussed on regional planning and urban issues. Consequently, I have been invited to participate in a range of policy reforms, research projects, meetings and educational activities around the world. I have participated in reforms for new institutional frameworks for water management, and played a coordinating role in development of Portugal’s national Water Plan and 15 river basin plans between 1997 and 2001. Since 2004 I have been the delegate for the Guadiana River Basin in the UNESCO-IHP HELP Programme and have been invited to participate in major UNESCO activities in France, South Africa, Australia, Korea, Panama and UK. Between 2007 and 2014 I coordinated Portugal’s representation in URBACT II. Since 2010 I have designed and delivered education programs at Master and trade certificate level for over 150 students from 50 different countries, all focusing on drawing out the experiences of other visiting experts and, most importantly, the course participants through collaborative learning processes. I have published and presented in Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia, North and South America over 80 titles addressing issues such as water governance, integrated water management, territorial planning and new learning methodologies.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
EUKN – National Focal Point design and implementation (2008 to 2012) – contacts with stakeholders to produce case studies to be uploaded in the EUKN Library; support to use of templates, discussion of contents and dissemination of results. URBACT – LSGroup guide in Portuguese (2008) and subsequent support to national partners through the website and NDP creation in 2010.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
i) URBACT NDP and Liaison Group created in DGOTDU in 2008 (until present), included in the home site of the Territory General Directorate (DGOTDU) this page dedicated to URBACT Program dissemination was only possible due to the gathering of knowledge existing in the department at that time, mobilizing all information to this task. ii) The NDP allowed a continuous communication with national partners and cities, and promoted a dialogue between the central administration and the regional and local actors. Besides, I have proposed and implemented a Liaison Group that met regularly along the years in order to match the national and the regional objectives in the framework of the Portuguese participation in URBACT.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
i) Up to end of 2014, I kept updated thorough my direct involvement within the role of national representative in URBACT and NDP coordinatior. ii) Also through my membership in online groups in Linkedin (e.g. Transition Network, Sustainable Cities, Regional and Urban Planning, etc) newsletters (URBACT), journals, etc.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
i) The experience of delivering the Module on Spatial Planning and Environmental Planning – Capacity Building Program under EU funding in Cape Verde in 2005 demanded a high level understanding of the contexts and realities of five different African countries in terms of Environmental and Spatial Planning Policies. The Learning Guide was developed specifically to address those diverse realities and it was further adapted by each participant in the own governmental department to be replicated. ii) I have lectured 10 different modules and short courses (11 courses, 150 students and 50 Countries in the last 5 years), and delivered more than 100 sessions and lectures to various audiences between 1985 and 2015. Besides that I have organized and delivered conferences or courses with specific contents targeted for groups of participants in Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia or South and Central America.
Summary Expertise: 
During my involvement as national representative in the Program URBACT, I could contribute substantially to the urban policy discussion at the national level. Supported by my European colleagues, I could summarize the main visions, challenges and transformations, and deliver policy briefings that were feeding the internal discussion. In particular the URBACT NDP and the Liaison Group created in DGOTDU in 2008 (until present) allowed a continuous communication with national partners and cities, and promoted a dialogue between the central administration and the regional and local actors. Further, I proposed and implemented a Liaison Group that met regularly along the years in order to match the national and the regional objectives in the framework of the Portuguese participation in URBACT. My previous experience in the environmental fields, as well as my parallel academic career, were of utmost relevance to support this path in the Public Administration and in understanding better the policy-science nexus, together with the need for better use of the available knowledge and research resources, to the benefit of urban policies and sustainable development.


Residence location:
Portuguese - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise