NeT-TOPIC collaborates with Brasil Municipalities Project
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30 September 2009The NeT-TOPIC project was invited to present the Thematic Network in the First Meeting of Mayors organised in the framework of the Project Brazil Municipios that took place last 12.02.09 in Brasilia.

The project, co-financed by the EU and the Inter-American Development Bank, aims to strengthen the municipal public management by means of “enhancing the capacity of the municipal administrations in the planning, managing and assessment of the public policies and governmental projects at municipal level, by developing the institutional capacity and the promotion of intermunicipal partnerships”. In this framework, Brasil municipios has expressed its interest in knowing the urban experience of NeT-TOPIC & TRACE networks.
123 mayors and municipal secretaries from Brazil attended to the event which also counted with the participation of representatives of the EU, of the Brazilian Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management and of the Inter-American Development Bank.
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