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#NANTES4CSR. The CSR Platform of the Nantes metropolitan area A territory for experimentation in Corporate Social Responsibility

Edited on

27 November 2020
Read time: 5 minutes

Nantes Metropole, one of CITIES4CSR project partner, is revolutionising the local authority approach to CSR through their innovative platform

In response to the emerging needs to federate stakeholders, to gather initiatives and to encourage good practices, in 2011 Nantes Métropole has decided to create its own CSR Platform.

Strongly requested from companies, the CSR platform soon became a coordination hub collecting all the CSR initiatives undertaken, financed and supported by the city or its partners.

Based on a shared governance and on a collaborative method of contributing to the platform, the nantaise initiative is mainly aimed at bringing together stakeholders around selected theme through working groups and at guiding companies’ approach to CSR.

Managed by a dedicated leadership team, the Nantes CSR Platform is a community of public and private players committed to the development and promotion of CSR (particularly for VSE/SMEs).

All the players involved are grouped into 6 subgroups called «colleges »: Companies & networks, Institutions, Employee unions, Academics & experts, Associations and SSEs and Financiers.

The nantaise success is assured also by the existance of an ambassador strategy counting already 50 actors. Ambassadors are companies committed to CSR and which help promoting CSR on the territory. They form the ecosystem of the Nantes Metropolitan CSR Platform.


The main tool offered by the platform is the CSR website Officially launched in 2013, the showcase website enables companies in the Nantes metropolitan area to learn about the approaches and best practices in terms of responsible economic development.

In 2019 the online platform turned from a database of resources and information into a functional tool. The website has been designed with the aim of enabling all players and companies, whatever their size, to become aware that they are already in a CSR approach and/or that they can go even further. To achieve this objective, the content of the platform has also been modified and enriched with educational materials. The purpose is always the same : to help companies more than ever to get involved into CSR.

The platform is the showcase stage for many virtous and innovative activities :

Parcou'RSE, for example, lists the public and private players who can support companies in launching a CSR approach at all key stages (diagnosis, action plan, promotion of actions...) or in one of the 5 areas (Quality of life at work, environmental management, responsible economic activity, territorial involvement...).

Entreprise accueillante is another initiatives involving companies in acting for employment through concrete actions such as: making people discover their company or their activity, welcoming trainees from the 3rd year or accompanying people far from employment.

#Négotraining Launched in September 2017, #NégoTraining is addressed to women to give them the keys to successful negotiations in terms of compensation. The aim is to make a concrete contribution, through training, to reducing the wage gap, since men still earn 26% more than women at the regional level. The 3-hour training modules, in groups of 15 to 20 people, focus on exchanges and interview simulations. They are led by volunteer trainers in our territory.

THE SOCIAL CHANGE EVENT : The opportunity to discover good practices to change your business.

After attracting hundreds of people at its first two editions, 2020 SOCIAL CHANGE event goes 100% digital. SMEs, very small businesses, large companies, managers, employees or self-employed persons, all are welcome at the third edition of the SOCIAL CHANGE event which will take place on 10th december 2020. Don’t miss the annual event organised by the Nantes CSR platform which will inspire you to take action in favour of a responsible economic development!


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