MY GENERATION Final Conference - Register Now!
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09 October 2017MY GENERATION is one of the URBACT projects currently in its implementation phase and that will end in 2011. Its 12 city partners have been working for three years on promoting the positive potential of young people in cities. The project will complete its programme of exchange and learning activities with a final conference entitled "Co-creating tomorrow's cities with today's youth". This event will take place in European Youth Capital 2011, Antwerp (Belgium), on Friday 1 April, 2011.

Young people are at the core of MY GENERATION and the scope is to understand the challenges they face, together with their aspirations. Led by the city of Rotterdam, MY GENERATION is focusing on identifying three sets of good practices related to outreach for deprived categories of youth, education - employment transition and coordination among actors when promoting the youth cause in urban contexts.
Attend MY GENERATION Final Conference if you are a professional or a young person interested in:
- Developing new insights into youth lifestyles and the aspirations of the young
- Fostering genuine youth involvement and co-creation throughout your work
- Providing positive activity and career alternatives for young people
- Promoting boundary crossing collaboration of various actors and services, particularly local communities, education, business and public officials
- Developing and disseminating good practice in engagement, collaboration and young entrepreneurship
- Developing City Plans to sustain positive action with young people in the future
MY GENERATION is about interaction and co-creation. Thus, during this conference, interactive workshops will focus on "Sharing good practice in engaging with young people tapping into their talents and realising their potential" and "Capturing informal skills of young people, connecting schools to the needs of the workplace and tapping into young people's natural entrepreneurialism". A Plenary session entitled "MY GENERATION's challenge to Europe's cities" will introduce the lessons of MY GENERATION project and discuss how to build on them to transform cities' youth policies through co-creation with young people.
Field visits are also on the agenda of this one-day event. You will be invited to attend one of the following proposed visits:
- PEER coaching by and for youngsters in Antwerp
CDO North is an urban centre in Antwerp that provides an unique combination of on-the-job training and education to youngsters between 15 and 25 years old. Peer coaching is the core focus of the training programme. Annually, CDO North coaches 300 youngsters from 25 different ethnic backgrounds. Partner cities in the European League are involved in the programme, as well as the Council of Teachers in Antwerp, providing a forum for self-assessment and reflection. Visit the organisation, meet students and teachers and learn more about this unique programme!
- Food, fire and fun!
Social profit organisation Working and Learning Antwerp (WELA) coordinates projects for young people linking work and training in different sectors like metal working, carpentry and healthcare. In cooperation with the Fire department of the city of Antwerp, the organisation runs a restaurant where young people get on-the-job training. Visit the restaurant and hear more about this programme!
- Generation A
The city of Antwerp is proud to be European Youth Capital 2011! In this visit, you will meet the whole Communication Team, which is composed of six enthusiastic youngsters from the city of Antwerp who are responsible for all communication activities. The team is coached by a professional agency. Meet the team and find out everything you want to know about Antwerp Youth Capital 2011!
Making dreams come true - With the TROEF programme, Antwerp offers youngsters in the city the opportunity to make their dreams come true and to make Antwerp a better place for young people. Each year, the three best ideas receive support from the city. Visit two of these projects and meet the youngsters that are in charge!
SHOOT is the ultimate combination between street soccer and youth culture. This year, for the first time SHOOT is going European by the participation of youth soccer teams from all over Europe. Get a taste of the SHOOT experience and discover the Antwerp style of youth work in an active way by participating in one of the workshops or enjoy the atmosphere and watch the street soccer games! Please register for the conference by 18 February, 2011.
Read more:
- Conference Invitation - PDF
- Registration Form - Word Document
- 19 URBACT Projects coming to the end: Save the Date of their Final Conferences! – URBACT xebsite
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