Mouans-Sartoux and its Food Project - Interview to Gilles Perole
Edited on
24 February 2022"Every region, every city, every department, every household should be able to define its own food sovereignty." (Gilles Perole, Deputy Mayor of Mouans Sartoux)

Gilles Pèrole, Deputy mayor of the city of Mouans Sartoux, is the "father" of its food Project and the mind behind the actions carried out on the territory. This year, Mouans Sartoux is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its 100% organic school meals, the project leading BioCanteens#2 Transfer Network.
With this interview, we wanted to go deeper in understanding how did everything started in Mouans Sartoux, the most important actors, and the vision for the future.
Julien Chapaux - BioCanteens #2 Local Project Coordinator
City of Liège
Submitted by Clara Garrone on