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'More Jobs – Better Cities': Have your say

Edited on

23 July 2015
Read time: 1 minute

"In an economic crisis, how can cities help their citizens find jobs and stay in
work?"  If you have experience in this area, and ideas to share, URBACT
would like to hear from you!
URBACT is calling on urban and economic development professionals to send in evidence that will – along with results from hundreds of cities in URBACT projects – contribute to the programme’s efforts to develop practical ideas,  advice and recommendations to support Europe’s cities in their quest for ‘More Jobs – Better Cities’

‘More Jobs – Better Cities’ is the focus of one of six international groups of experts URBACT has appointed to investigate solutions to key threats faced by EU cities. Their findings will feed into open discussions at the 2012 URBACT Annual Conference on 3-4 December in Copenhagen, and culminate in a publication in 2013.

Jobs in cities help growth

Professor Mike Campbell, Skills and Labour Market expert and member of the ‘More Jobs – Better Cities’ core working group, says:  “Europe needs a return to economic growth.  To achieve our goal we need more economically successful cities as well as more, and better, jobs for their citizens.”

Professor Campbell and his colleagues want to find out how cities can support economic development and achieve job-rich growth.  Questions include:  Where will new jobs in cities come from? How well prepared are citizens to get and keep these jobs? What are the opportunities and threats? And what can cities do to help their citizens get – and keep – a job, or find better work?

You can take part

Interested in contributing your views or experiences (both good and bad) of trying to help your city to generate more jobs?  Please contact ‘More Jobs – Better Cities’ coordinator Alison Partridge ( by Friday 29 June.

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