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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Working with and promoting integrated and sustainable development is at the core of my approach within URBAN and URBACT European Programmes, since their inceptions in 1994 and in 2003. I trained and practiced as an architect /manager, working in the field of integrated regeneration of disadvantaged neighborhoods of Naples (Italy) promoting the integrated approach and bottom up/ participative process for operations aimed at the improvement of the environmental conditions as well as support for local socio economic development (URBAN Programme); as well, leading several networks of cities, in a framework of European Commission ‘s Programmes , I had the opportunity to work with local communities across Europe promoting the integrated approach as answer for sustainable regeneration projects (URBACT Programme) . Several learning sessions and trainings organized in the framework of the up signed programmes improved my understanding on integrated approach and participative process. As project manager of the Governmental Commissioner of Italy (1983 –1995) and the Urban Planning Department of the City of Naples I have been in contact with the most crucial issues of sustainable urban development with participative process. I trained and practiced as an architect working on the field of the housing emergency after the earthquake in Naples on 1980 and related projects implementation .
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
As architect manager, from 1995 with the URBAN European Initiative Programme, experiences in exchange and learning activities has been developed at the national level, between 16 Italian Cities involved, as well at transnational level with two European Cities ( Dublin, Barcelona ). As Lead Partner, from 2007 to 2015, I managed and facilitated the setting up of four URBACT Projects organizing several transnational exchanges and planning-workshop events in different cities of Europe ( UK, Ireland, Spain; Portugal, France, Belgium , Finland, Sweden , Latvia , Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia , Austria, Bulgaria , Romania, Czech Republic , Poland Bulgaria , Lithuania and Italy) as well in not European cities from Turkey and Tunis. As URBACT Expert (2007) , attached to the URBACT Secretariat , in the framework of the Support for Cities project, I promoted to the New European State members ‘s cities - Maribor (Slovenia) and Plovdiv (Bulgaria) - the integrated approach issue and participative process , facilitating exchange and discussions and transferring knowledge by several training sessions organized on the sites. Last but not least , the participation as expert in important transnational meetings in Yangoon, Myanmar (2013), Fouzou, China (2009), and Guadaloupe, France (2008),improved my experience of ”understanding of exchange and learning processes” between European and non European cities /countries .
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
All activities described above have been supported by the use of the English language except the participation in the Guadaloupe meeting that was in French language. The activities required oral and written knowledge of English as confirmed by the cooperation on the following outputs produced: - articles - reports - newsletters - animation of the meetings - presentation of thematic reflections , case studies, management of the network and duties of the partners etc . - updating networks’ websites - thematic dossiers Throughout over 20 years of transnational experience I have been called upon of many occasions to speak at public events mostly in English (but also in French): amongst many other speaking engagements , for example in October 2007, as outputs of my provision of expertise to the Cities New member States ( Support for Cities project – URBACT I ) I prepared and presented to the European commission in Brussel/ Belgium, the Assessment & options reports for Plovdiv ( Bulgaria) and Maribor ( Slovenia) cities. As Lead Partner of four URBACT European Networks I have been called upon to speak at a number of international events such as “ASEF Experts Meeting & Public Forum Investing in Heritage Cities : Stimulus or Sustainable Tourism and Liverhoods ( 2013 ,Yangon – Myanmar) , “ the Third Biennal Meeting of the China Europe Forum, speech on “ Urban Integrated Approach Policies and European Programmes” (2009, Fouzou – China).

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Following my involvement since 2005 in several transnational projects as LP of URBACT Networks ( 2nd Chance, USEACT, CTUR ,SUDEST) and as URBACT Expert “Support for Cities Project”, my knowledge and practice of tools and methods applied to exchange and learning processes in transnational cooperation contexts arises mainly from direct experience of facilitating and recording exchanges within the up signed transnational projects . Overall the heterogeneous nature of the designed partnerships of the different projects has been a great experience to my ability to listen, lead and animate lively discussion, respecting different cultural differences, leading the consensus between often different viewpoints. The implementation of several URBACT Local action Plan has been an opportunity to improve my ability to engage and mobilize stakeholders to use learning tools.. I have been aware to communicating complex concepts to non-English speakers, I have strongly encouraged a participatory process wherever the opportunity has arisen. In all activity network I have been aware that whatever materials are produced can be easily understood and translated in a succinct manner as necessary by the partners for quick application once they return to their cities. A lot of experience in the coordination as LP of the production network reports and newsletters produced in a readable accessible manner, have been appreciated by partners and the URBACT secretariat alike.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My extensive experience in the field of integrated urban renewal is mostly related to my work at local level. It was an on-the-field/action-research-based activity in a disadvantaged inner city area of Naples, as architect project manager, that gave me the possibility to experiment in participatory planning and innovative public-private governance models. From 1994 until 2015, I delivered many integrated projects in the framework of the EU Programmes (URBAN/URBACT). Within URBACT CTUR and USEACT Networks I have contributed , as Lead Partner, to knowledge generation and EU-wide reflection in the field of integrated urban development taking into account the needs of deprived communities and creating a vision for the city through a participative process, albeit in the context of cruise tourism development or the revival of inner city areas. As Expert of the URBACT “Support for cities” (2007), I have facilitated the analysis and the strategic reflections in order to help the city authorities to build up integrated urban development projects or strategies under their O.P. I shared all experiences and reflections in several teaching interventions at university level. As Lead partner, I was in charge of the coordination of the entire CTUR and USEACT projects communication and dissemination strategies. This included the production of meeting reports, thematic reports, newsletters, case studies etc. to ensure quality and accessibility for all.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
As Lead Partner of the URBACT projects, I had the opportunity to test several successful participatory methods for a proactive involvement of the different stakeholders, such as the European Awareness Scenario Workshop, an innovative methodology finalized to receive from the participant common visions and ideas useful for the implementation of the LAPs, obtaining conflicts resolution. Very useful to the implementation of the LAP has been the involvement of some stakeholders in the URBACT Summer University (2013 Dublin, 2011 Krakow). The aim has been that the participants stakeholders have to share “ back home” with the other stakeholders, the experience of learning and networking session focused on equipping participants with the key skills needed to deliver successful integrated urban policies, building on a strong participative process, strengthening evidence base, involving unusual suspects and generating creative solutions for effective action plans.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
As Lead Partner and coordinator of the Local Action Plan Implementation USEACT /URBACT II (2012 – 2015), I involved the stakeholders to work on their project proposals by a methodology framework on how to transform a good idea of project in an action/s that could be co-financed by public resources as ERDF Funds. The methodology proposed to all network, highlighting the importance of an integrated overview of the actions, the importance of their sustainability and last but not least the necessity to measure their impact (indicators). In the same time this methodology has permitted to have a real overview and comparison of all Action Plans of the Network Partners. As URBACT Expert (Support for Cities,2007) I have supported a project working with the Cities of Maribor (Slovenia) and Plovdiv (Bulgaria). In order: - to focus support on the methods used to achieve integration of partners and co-ordination of linked activities and common problems; - to draw upon relevant concrete examples of successful projects and methodologies elsewhere across Europe to help participants better understand the integrated approach and the added value of cross - sectorial working; - to transfer knowledge of European funding and the URBAN, UPP and other integrated urban development programmes; - to advise participants how to maximise opportunities, when planning managing urban development projects and strategies (design and delivering), highlighting the necessity of their monitoring and evaluation.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
The awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level was been one of the most important topic of my activity as Lead Partner of the URBACT Project. As example in the URBACT/USEACT Project I promoted during the sixth Transnational thematic Meeting a workshop called on “LIFE BEYOND USEACT” with the aim of exploring potential new project ideas arising from work within the USEAct project and outlining potential funding streams including upcoming deadlines. So starting from one of the new topic proposal “Social Housing: innovative models and Financial Sustainability” the section had the aim to give to all partners network an overview of (social) housing in Europe identifying the funding streams . Jessica document, the ‘Eurocities Position Paper on affordable housing, cities’ approaches and recommendations’ and ‘Social Housing in Europe’: an annual update on social housing in the EU, to find the state of the Art. Particularly, the new topic proposed was ‘affordable housing’ for the middle class and we have monitoring the EU Urban context about cohesion policy and the new EC urban tools : on the DG Regio website where there are a lot of projects funded by the European Commission, e.g. the HELPS, Interreg; Horizon 2020 under the call on ‘Overcoming the Crisis’. Finally we had a look at inspirational projects, as ERHIN project, SHE: Sustainable Housing in Europe/ LIFE , Housing First Europe, etc.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
During the Phase 1 of the URBACT /USEACT Project, as Lead Partner beside the Lead Expert, we have meet all candidate partners to the network in order to verify a common understanding on the network thematic proposed , the local situation and the proposed own Local action Plans to be implemented . These meetings on the sites of the different candidate partners gave the opportunity to create a network of the USEACT Project by the right partners through a direct knowledge of the different local realities and to obtain a shared general scope and aim of the USEACT Thematic Project. All this activity has been useful for the production of the “Baseline study” highlighting the following issues: 1) The state of the art in Europe and the topics USEACT project. 2) The partner profiles with their key problems, challenges and potential/ the status quo of the project theme. As well, planning tools and strategies supporting interventions in the city and managing urban growth (USEACT Theme ); overview of the local situation, experiences on urban transformation; potential expectations and contribution; Local action Plan and Local Support Group in their early stages / experience in terms of working through transnational exchange in relation the USEACT topic/ Links to the EU Operational Programme.
Summary Expertise: 
As Lead Partner of the URBACT /USEACT and CTUR projects, I had the opportunity to test several successful participatory methods for a proactive involvement of the different stakeholders, such as the European Awareness Scenario Workshop, in order to receive from the participant common visions and ideas useful for the implementation of the LAPs, obtaining conflicts resolution. I proposed a methodology adopted by all network, highlighted the importance of an integrated overview of the actions, their sustainability and last but not least the necessity to measure their impact (indicators), in order to transform a good idea of project in an action that could be co-financed by public resources as ERDF Funds.(USEACT Network). As URBACT Expert, I have supported a project working with the Cities New Member States, to focus support on the methods used to achieve integration of partners and co-ordination of linked activities and common problems. The awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level was been one of the most important topic of my activity as Lead Partner of the URBACT Projects. As well, this activity gave me the possibility to test my ability to understand specific local situations, adapt tools and content to different local realities to ensure consistency in the design and delivery of integrated and participatory policies across participants in transnational projects (e.i. USEACT Network).


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise