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Meeting in Lille the 4th & 5th of March 2010

Edited on

05 March 2010
Read time: 1 minute

Thursday the 4th of March

  • 8.15 am : Welcome by Marc Kaszynski, director and Colette Flamant  general secretary of EPF.
  • 8.30 am : 1st work shop “Bring-up” (Urbact II)
    • General introduction to the Urbact program, Dr.-Ing.  Uwe Ferber, STADT+
      Institutional presentation EPF, NRW-URBAN, IRM-PL
    • Analysis of national stakeholders on land management  and brownfield policy
    • Key challenges City application and local action plans,
    • Contractual and financial issues
  • 12.30 pm : lunch at EPF office.
  • 1.30 pm : 1st work shop “Bring-up” (Urbact II), 2nd part


Friday the 5th of March

  • 8.30 am : meeting at EPF office and departure for the former “Metaleurop” site (now SITA) in Noyelles-Godault & Courcelles-les-Lens.
    Visit of the site and presentation of the project of reclaimation. Metaleurop was heavily polluted by lead and cadmium, it is now occupied by SITA, a company for recycling wastes and polluted materials.

  • 12.00 am : Back to Lille - lunch
  • 01.00 pm : debriefing and organisation of next meeting
  • 3.00 pm : End of the session.