Validated Lead Expert
Generic Skills
B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development:
After graduating as a Civil Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) in 2000, integrated and sustainable urban development has been my main area of work, more particularly in the field of mobility and transport. First from a more conceptual/theoretical approach, as a researcher at TRANSyT (Transport Research Centre from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and at CEDEX (research institution linked to the Ministry of Transport in Spain). And over the last years from an applied perspective, as a consultant for Grupo de Estudios y Alternativas 21, S.L. (GEA21), a consultancy company founded in 1995 with participative and environmental urban and transport planning as one of the main areas of expertise. When it comes to urban development, integration refers to the need to acknowledge the intricate links between the different urban policy areas, administrative levels, stakeholders, etc. and the need to widen the scope to all relevant actors, involving them in the planning and decision making processes. While sustainability calls for the consideration of environmental, economic and social consequences at all levels, aiming to minimize negative impacts and foster efficient solutions providing equal opportunities to all.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level:
I have participated in more than 10 international projects so far, particularly in the field of sustainable mobility and transport. Best practice and knowledge exchange, mutual learning and transferability of results are at the core of most of them. A recent example of this is the ongoing ENDURANCE project (http://www.epomm.eu/endurance ), aimed to assist cities and regions with developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) by facilitating networking, mutual learning and sharing of experience and best practice across countries (for which GEA21 is the National Focal Point in Spain). As stated by the European Commission in the Eurobarometer issued in the framework of 2013’s Urban Mobility Package “There is an increasing 'urban mobility gap' between Europe's few advanced cities and the majority trailing behind”, which claims for more and more effective ways to exchange knowledge. New technologies can effectively ease the process. But a good understanding of the local dynamics and the particular circumstances affecting each case is essential. Incentives and win-win situations are also key in order to foster the implication of ‘champions’.
B.3. Proficiency in English:
I hold a TEOFL certificate that proves my proficiency in English. That was long ago. But having the opportunity to work in transnational projects on a regular basis allowed me to evolve from writing and speaking English properly to be able to really communicate in that language.
Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:
Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:
Best practice and knowledge exchange, mutual learning and transferability of results are at the core of most of the transnational projects I have involved in, such as CIVITAS-ARCHIMEDES (2008-2012), EPOMM-Plus (2011-2012), Transport Learning (2011-2013), SITE (2012-2014), ENDURANCE (ongoing). Therefore, the organization and delivery of trainings, workshops, webinars, on-line discussion forums, etc. are familiar tools to me. As well as thematic exchange sessions and site visits. Getting involved in such kind of projects is mostly about adapting methods and tools to the various levels of understanding/knowledge/experience of the corresponding partner teams or cities you are engage with. Dedicating efforts at the beginning stages of a project to gain direct knowledge from dynamics, working procedures and cultural differences is essential in order to remove barriers and ease the exchange process. Nevertheless, to a higher or lower degree, conflicts will always occur (be it misunderstandings, diverging approaches, unexpected delays, lack of commitment, etc.). After some years participating in transnational projects, I have acquired the required capacities for mediation and conflict management. And, equally important, to encourage proactive participation from partners.
Thematic expertise:
Theme / Policy:
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise:
I am a Civil Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2000) with a Post-Graduate Expert Degree on Surface Transport (UPM, 2002) and an Advanced Studies Degree on Transport Infrastructure (UPM, 2004). After an initial stage as a transport researcher at TRANSyT (Transport Research Centre from the UPM) and at CEDEX (research institution linked to the Ministry of Transport in Spain), since 2009 I work as a consultant for GEA21. Sustainable urban mobility, mobility management and transport planning are my main areas of expertise. I have taken part in the development of a number of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) and Non-Motorized Transport Plans in Spain, as well as in various European projects (e.g. Traffic Snake Game, ENDURANCE, SITE, EPOMM-PLUS, Transport Learning, CIVITAS-ARCHIMEDES, ASSET…). Between 2007 and 2009 I was the Spanish representative in the Board of the European Platform of Mobility Management (EPOMM).
Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies
E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices :
Public participation is at the core of sustainable urban policy making, particularly in the field of sustainable mobility. Involvement of the citizenship and key stakeholder is needed to deliver a proper policy and planning approach, gain population support and trigger new behaviour. Being active in the development and implementation of sustainable urban mobility measures and plans, participatory methods and tools for co-production are an essential part of my work, having applied them in all SUMPs and non-motorized transport plans I have been involved in (e.g. SUMP for Levante Almeriense, Non-motorized Master Plan for Galicia, Bicycle plan for Aranda de Duero). Participatory methods and co-production are also effective tools in the framework of transnational projects. For instance, within CIVITAS-ARCHIMEDES, participatory approaches were used in the so-called Learning History Workshops (LHW), where practitioners and stakeholders worked together in the qualitative evaluation of measure implementation processes. As part of the Project Evaluation Management team, I was involved in LHW as facilitator.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies:
As already explained above, my implication in projects such as CIVITAS-ARCHIMEDES and SITE was specifically related to the monitoring and evaluation of the measures implemented at the local level. Followed by a cross-site evaluation. Conceptual approaches and tools such as templates, questionnaires, indicator sets, etc. were defined for that purpose.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level:
I keep up to date about sustainable urban development policies, trends and funds through dedicated newsletters, websites and social media. As well as by attending info-days and brokerage events. Finally, the network of contacts developed throughout my career is also of great help to keep updated about policy and funding initiatives.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities:
As a mobility consultant, it is mostly my job to formulate methods to put sustainable mobility principles in place under a variety of circumstances and local contexts (as much as the number of territories in which I have had the opportunity to work so far). For example, while the concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is always the same, each municipality or metropolitan area developing a SUMP has its own particularities. I have dedicated efforts to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities in every SUMP and non-motorized transport plan I have been involved in (e.g. SUMP for Levante Almeriense, Non-motorized Master Plan for Galicia, Bicycle plan for Aranda de Duero).
Summary Expertise:
Public participation is at the core of sustainable urban policy making, particularly in the field of sustainable mobility. Involvement of the citizenship and key stakeholder is needed to deliver a proper policy and planning approach, gain population support and trigger new behaviour. Being active in the development and implementation of sustainable urban mobility measures and plans, participatory methods and tools for co-production are an essential part of my work, having applied them in all SUMPs and non-motorized transport plans I have been involved in over my 15 years career, as well as in transnational projects, where they are also very effective.
Residence location:
Spanish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level:
Foreign languages: