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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
With a background in architecture I was involved on issues related to sustainable integrated urban development for the past 25 years at different stages and within diverse projects, activities and programmes. In parallel to my profession as an architect/urban planner and consultant, I conducted multidisciplinary research work with relevant international institutions focusing on methodological frameworks for urban development prospects in long-term global, economic, energy and environment perspectives. I have developed and implemented EC-funded transnational projects involving municipal authorities and regional administrations from EU MS, academic institutions, urban practitioners and private actors. Projects focused on integrated sustainable policies and urban rehabilitation/regeneration. Besides organizing, facilitating and managing meetings and workshops, I have been providing advisory services to municipal employees responsible for urban planning to support identification and possible application of best practices. Surveys and applied research activities included inventory and documentation of historical urban environments aimed at establishing management policies for urban conservation areas and the assessment of quality of urban upgrading programmes being implemented. Within interregional territorial cooperation and European urban networks, I developed joint activities in the field of urban societal dynamics (amongst other, with the URBACT II, EUKN and UDN).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have experience in preparing, designing and developing multidisciplinary project proposals, tenders, applications in regional programmes and transnational projects with specific focus on exchange of experiences and sharing of expertise as well as in institution building activities. I implemented project evaluations for EU transnational projects with strong components of capacity building and exchange of experience and knowledge among European local and national authorities. I provided extensive support to exchange activities with municipal employees from several EU MS on sustainable urban development in EC-funded projects. For almost 5 years I directed the Secretariat of INTERACT, a programme specifically based on exchange/learning activities and processes with the primary purpose of supporting transnational, cross-border and interregional cooperation actors in programme & finance management and in exchanging information and good practices. I was involved in complex bilateral EU-funded programmes/projects with strong transnational character, promoting exchange of international experience and knowledge acquired in EU MS with a multidisciplinary and integrated approach. Assessment and transposition of best practices gathered in EU MS and of European acquis in new member States and/or in third countries. I assisted and monitored grant project beneficiaries, providing technical assistance, support and advice on exchange and learning activities implemented by projects’ partners.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have been fluent in English since I was a foreign exchange student in the USA and English became thereafter my main working language. As a guest scholar, I conducted complex applied academic research work related to urban systems in national and international institutions, making detailed analyses and drafting reports as well as scientific articles and making presentations to specialized academic audiences in English. I have worked for 20+ years within the frame of international cooperation projects and programmes whose working language is/was English and/or French. I actively participated to international conferences and seminars as a panelist, speaker, rapporteur and moderator using English as working and communication language. I animated and facilitated workshops, focus groups, working groups, took minutes, made reports and detailed presentations on complex thematic issues in English in several European and non-European countries, with mixed participants from several different countries, to wide multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral audiences composed of decision makers, practitioners and scholars. Besides English (C1 proficiency), I have relevant linguistic skill in other European Languages (Italian and French mother tongue, German C1/C2 proficiency and Spanish C1 proficiency).

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I was involved for 25 years in the design and management of EU transnational projects. I developed project proposals, tenders, applications and implemented project monitoring and evaluations with specific focus on exchange of experiences, sharing of knowledge and capacity building. I provided technical assistance to beneficiaries in capacity building and training, promoting extensive exchange of international experience and knowledge and supervising the delivery of on-the-job training sessions. I delivered exchange activities with EU MS municipal employees and practitioners on issues related to sustainable urban development and I organised and implementated learning activities for representatives of national and local authorities. I assisted transnational grant projects in exchange and peer learning activities, facilitated networking and dialogue among projects, assuring quality, sustainability, capitalisation of outputs & results and sharing of experience on issues of common interest. At INTERACT, the “hub” for exchanging good practices in ETC, I supervised quality assurance and knowledge management activities, including the implementation of several online surveys and the development of an e-learning platform for the programme itself. The coordination of the network of decentralised programme implementation offices occurred at a distance using the support of information and communication technologies, comprising shared working platforms and team collaboration software.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have been involved in issues related to urban renewal, upgrading and conservation since my university studies and within the frame of professional activity as architect/town planner and international consultant, as well as within the frame of applied and more theoretical research work. My current activity as freelance senior international consultant comprises the conception and development of technical assistance project proposals for urban regeneration masterplans with significant aspects of integrated urban renewal and redevelopment of downtown areas. I provided consultancy to municipal authorities focused on physical urban conservation and rehabilitation, comprising the implementation of intensive exchange and sharing of experience with practitioners from several EU MS. My role included hands-on survey fieldwork and scientific/historic and morphological research and the coordination with other experts. I provided thematic input on a pilot project aimed at promoting integrated sustainable urban development and regeneration with planned physical interventions on the built urban structure to improve the quality of life in a particularly deprived urban area. I implemented monitoring and technical assistance to a project dealing with urban renewal in the Mediterranean countries, aimed at strengthening urban rehabilitation and maintenance as factors of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental). I developed joint activities within interregional territorial cooperation and urban networks focusing on the sharing of experiences and of good practices in integrated urban sustainable policies and promoting innovative instruments for territorial cooperation.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Theme / Policy: 
Arts and Culture
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My background as an architect has given me a particular sensitivity/interest for issues related to arts and creativity. In my profession I have developed/monitored projects in the field of culture, cultural heritage, cultural goods, intercultural dialogue, cultural policy reform, international cultural relations, etc. I am in the Culture Programme Coordinator reserve list at EACEA. As UNESCO consultant, I planned and managed operational programmes in the Culture Sector. I provided support to international safeguarding campaigns and World Heritage. As technical adviser for a project on illicit trafficking of cultural goods in Romania, I worked in close contact with institutions in charge of culture supporting the development of more effective cooperation. I promoted sharing of knowledge in specific EU legislation in the cultural sector by strengthening the capacity of beneficiary institution for the transposition and enforcement of the Community acquis. I co-drafted the Strategy for the development of Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage: this policy document, based on good practices and needs from local practitioners and policy-makers, was agreed with the directors in charge from the ministries of culture from 10 partner countries and it became a widely used policy for the development of subsequent action in the region. I carried out a fact-finding mission in Croatia aimed at implementing a future World Bank project on the urban regeneration of the historic centre of the city of Split. For the city of Vienna, I developed a transnational project on integrated sustainable urban conservation management with European partner cities from 4 EU MS. I provided a thematic contribution to a publication in the field of art history: drawing of the analytical index of names and places for the new edition of the Dictionary of Florentine Painters from the 13th to the 17th Centuries, by Sir Dominic Colnaghi.
Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I was involved in research activities since university studies, and I thereafter conducted academic research work on sustainable urban development with relevant national and international institutions. These focused e.g. on evolution trends of the spatial structures of European cities on how to improve accessibility of information and services while reducing traffic volumes in selected sample cities or on the development of a methodological framework on urban development prospects in long-term global, economic, energy and environment perspectives. I conducted applied research focused on physical urban renewal and upgrading practice in selected cities and regions in central Italy. This work was aimed at providing learning elements for the development of an overall innovative integrated urban conservation and renewal policy. I actively supported the strategic and technical development of the knowledge management tool KEEP (“Knowledge and Expertise in European Programmes”). This knowledge management tool represents the only source of aggregated information regarding projects and beneficiaries on European Union programmes dedicated to cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation within the EU and between the EU MS and neighbouring countries. I supervised for INTERACT a joint project activity with the Pan-European Programmes (URBACT, ESPON, INTERREG IVC) on urban projects that comprised the identification of approx. 70 projects from strand A and B programmes dealing with urban issues. These results were shared with the other programmes and with the EC and provided, amongst other, a valuable contribution to the “100 EUrban solution” exhibition at the Committee of the Regions.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I have carried out applied research work on urban issues related to participative approach in the planning process (eg Rotterdam, Berlin) within my studies in Architecture and Urban planning at the University of Florence. I was involved in meetings within the urban participative planning process with local people in specific urban districts of the city of Vienna (eg Bürgerbeteiligungs-prozess in Grinzing). I promoted discussions and made interactive presentations on how to improve quality of life within an urban development process strived by the municipality that may have negative impact on the urban cultural landscape. This included awareness raising and outreach towards diverse stakeholders, facilitating mediation, dialogue, etc. I personally organized, supported and facilitated meetings with practitioners and policy makers involved in the field of cultural heritage with bottom-up approach and participatory method in several projects. Focus on developing a cross-sectoral cooperation process aimed at stimulating an integrated approach to policy-making for conservation and development related issues. I initiated participatory meetings with decision makers to provide support in developing integrated approaches to policy making in specific thematic sectors (e.g. interactive working sessions with practitioners and representatives from the civil society involved in urban regeneration issues).
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
1) I was engaged in conceiving and implementing an integrated sustainable urban project in the Algiers Casbah. This included convening representatives from institutions and administrations involved at different levels and with diverse backgrounds. I was in charge of supervising the monitoring of the process that was conducted through bilateral meetings, assessment of written documents and providing feedback. For the city of Vienna, I have been carrying out a comprehensive survey of the existing built environment. This action was aimed at establishing integrated and sustainable management policies in urban conservation districts.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I have been following the international debate on sustainable urban development policies and trends for more than 20 years. Several years ago I was involved in research activities in innovative fields related to urban change dynamics and was exchanging information with institutions EU-wide and beyond. Besides participating to specific conferences and meetings (e.g. the EC Urban Forum), I constantly keep up to date through the Internet, visiting websites of the EC and of programmes and projects engaged in this field. Amongst other, I am actively involved in meeting of the Urban Development Network and I have participated to conferences, seminars and workshops organized by URBACT II and the European Urban Knowledge Network. I am currently engaged in the preparation of projects within the Urban Innovative Actions programme as well as of the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe with an Austrian institution specialised in Urban sustainibiliy.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
The implementation of the integrated sustainable urban project in the Algiers Casbah in which I was personally involved required a high degree of understanding of the very specific local situation. My role in adapting tools and content focused primarily on presenting complex concepts and administrative procedures in an understandable way and stimulating a direct dialogue with the involved stakeholders. While organizing and delivering a transnational workshop in the Ukraine I had to adapt the methodology of work and the content to best suit the local sensitivity and cultural background.
Summary Expertise: 
I carried out applied research work on urban issues related to participative approach in planning process since my studies in Architecture. I was involved in the urban participative planning process with local people in specific urban districts of the city of Vienna. I promoted discussions & made interactive presentations on how to improve quality of life within an urban development process strived by the municipality that may have negative impact on the urban cultural landscape. I personally organized, supported and facilitated meetings with practitioners involved at all levels in cultural heritage with bottom-up approach and participatory method in several projects. Focus was on developing a cross-sectoral cooperation process aimed at stimulating integrated approach to policy-making for conservation and development. I initiated participatory meetings with decision makers to provide support in developing integrated approaches to policy making in specific thematic sectors. I have been following the international debate on sustainable urban development policies and trends for 20+ years, since I was involved in research activities in innovative fields related to urban change dynamics. Besides participating to conferences and meetings, I constantly keep up to date with the EC, programmes, projects and networks engaged in this field. I am preparing projects focusing on integrated urban sustainable development within with an Austrian institution specialised in urban sustainibiliy.


Residence location:
French - Mother tongue, Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise