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Making Spend Matter Toolkit - Step 2: Analysing Public Procurement spend

Edited on

04 November 2020
Read time: 2 minutes

Are you a public organisation looking to create sustainable impact through public procurement?

The front cover of the Making Spend Matter Guide

Over the past 2 years, our Partners in Preston (United Kingdom), Bistrița (Romania), Kavala (Greece), Koszalin (Poland), Pamplona (Spain), Schaerbeek (Belgium) and Vila Nova de Famalicão (Portugal) have worked in collaboration to change procurement practices and behaviours, exchanging, testing and adapting practices to enhance the sustainable impact of their public spend and help build stronger communities.

We are capturing the tools, guidance, lessons learned and recommendations from the Network into a ‘Making Spend Matter’ Toolkit to enable other public organisations and cities to start their own strategic procurement journey.

The Toolkit will be structured into 4 steps to ‘Making Spend Matter’ from understanding the strategic importance of public procurement to analysing procurement spend and its impact, progressing practices and implementing change.

Following the launch of the first output: Understanding the strategic importance of public procurement video, we are excited to share with you the second output of the Making Spend Matter Toolkit:

The Spend Analysis Tool & Guide

Step 2: Analysing public procurement spend

Making Spend Matter and CLES (the national organisation for local economies) have the Tool and Guide to help you understand how you can take a more strategic approach to procurement spend to make a difference to places and communities. 

The Tool and Guide aim to support this approach by using spend analysis as an evidence base to progress the way in which you think about and carry out public procurement and economic development activities.

Spend Analysis Tool

The Spend Analysis Tool provides a simple methodology to analyse procurement spend and better understand its scale, where it goes geographically, sectorally and with different types of suppliers.

To download the Spend Analysis Tool visit CLES - Making Spend Matter.

Spend Analysis Guide

The Making Spend Matter Spend Analysis Guide offers a step by step process on how to start your spend analysis and how to make the methodology your own, as well as how to use the tool and interpret the findings. The Guide also includes tips on how to take your spend analysis to the next level and progress your procurement journey.

Download the Spend Analysis Guide.

What others are saying:

"The transfer of Preston's Good Practice around spend analysis have enabled Pamplona to monitor and evaluate our procurement spend and to collect evidence about the impact of our procurement activities on the economy, the social welfare and the environment which in turn allows us to take better decisions and to support the city's strategy." (The City of Pamplona, Spain)

"Preston's Good Practice provided a proofed and attractive method to undertake spend analysis. Schaerbeek was able to draw from Preston's 7 years of experience and findings to develop its own spend analysis methodology. This spend analysis approach forms now part of Schaerbeek's wider strategic plan to make the municipality a 'responsible consumer' with the objective to develop sustainable public procurement practices, support SMEs and local employment opportunities." (The Municipality of Schaerbeek, Belgium)

Making Spend Matter Final Conference

Join us at the Making Spend Matter Final Conference to discover the next steps of the Making Spend Matter Toolkit. The event will give you the opportunity to hear from our network cities and experts, discover how you can change procurement behaviours and processes, exchange with partners on their experience and have access to resources to take the next step in your procurement journey.

To register for the Making Spend Matter Final Conference visit Urbact - save the date.