Making public spaces more Secure, Attractive, and Vivid
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31 August 2022The Szabolcs 05 Regional Development Association of Municipalities as the Hungarian partner implemented a complex SSA based on the challenges identified during the previous phases of the UrbSecurity project in the City of Mátészalka.
One of these challenges is that some districts and public places are usually abandoned and underused, which deteriorates the subjective sense of security. These facts justify the choice of the SSA intervention site which is the so-called Reverence Park (Mátészalka Kegyeleti Park) near to the city centre.

It aims to develop cost-efficient and climate-neutral public lighting: using solar LED streetlamps together with the additional soft activities. The Reverence Park was revitalized with spatial planning (in the framework of a project co-financed by the EU) such as planting, paving, placement of street furniture and creating a community space. However, the park was underused – mainly in the evenings because of the lack of the public lighting.
After the URBACT Local Group decided to improve citizens’ perception of urban security and safety connecting with the reconditioned Reverence Park and the lamps have been deployed and put into operation one awareness-raising event was held on the 13th of October 2021 with the participation of local students, the mayor, ULG members, and other relevant stakeholders from the city.
In addition, an easy-to-use e-learning material was elaborated that can be presented in primary schools and high schools of the city to enhance the knowledge and to foster dialogue about urban safety and security in the local community.
UrbSecurity is an EU URBACT project that aims to identify ways to improve the quality of life of urban residents by developing an innovative approach to municipal security policy.
The aim of the project :
- developing and testing innovative public safety tools;
- analysis of urban planning concepts and strategies;
- increasing the active participation of residents in shaping urban public safety;
- comprehensive management of public safety in urban development;
- preventing social exclusion and certain forms of anti-social behaviour.
What is public safety?
A state of security within a community, municipality or society, where the laws protect the community as a whole and the physical and mental integrity, personal and community property of the people living there.
Actions :
- Making public spaces more secure, attractive, and vivid
- Improving urban safety by expansion of the CCTV system
- Awareness-raising activities to citizen engagement in urban safety and security
- Anti-segregation for better urban safety and security
- More secure urban mobility
Public safety challenges in Mátészalka :
- Relatively high number of offences
- Higher crime rates in certain urban areas
- Conflicts within the local community
- Relatively low level of community ownership
- Illegal dumping of waste
- High through traffic
What you can do to avoid becoming a victim ?
- Avoid deserted, inaccessible places - especially alone!
- Trust your instincts! That "weird" feeling, like someone is watching, following you...
- Ask for help depending on the situation - from your parents, friends, teachers, passers-by, police!
- Lock the door! (And don't open it for strangers!) Don't admit you are alone!
- Don't accept anything from a stranger!
- Watch your valuables (if you don't have to, don't have them)!
- Share as little information about yourself as possible!
- Know and obey the Highway Code on foot and on bicycle!
What can you do to avoid becoming an offender ?
- Hurting fellow students or teachers, causing pain or injury, taking away someone else's values for fun, games or just to gain the recognition of friends is punishable.
- Children over the age of 14 are already criminally liable.
- Avoid dangerous company!
- Don't go with the crowd if you sense something is wrong!
What can you do for others ?
- If you see something, let me know!
- Help! Don't turn away unless you are in danger too!
- Find the bin!
- Use public property as if it were your own (it is)!
This Association of Municipalities will be able to ensure better public safety and security not only in the centre of the region, in the City of Mátészalka but also in the other 43 settlements of its territory. The results of the project and the Integrated Action Plan will be presented and discussed by the board of Association that includes mayors of the municipalities – this is an important tool for dissemination. ULG members intend to continue to cooperate on a case-by case basis.
Submitted by Patricia Moital on