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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am expert in Sustainable Development and Social Innovation with a final master thesis on welfare state policies from Stockholm University, and a master degree from Bologna University. I have been working consistently as senior expert for the Ministry for Equal opportunities of the Italian government for 10 years charged with managing projects related to urban development policies to foster not only social inclusion territorial networks in the most segregated neighborhoods but also a profitable exchange of good practices and approaches among European cities. Before that, I worked for the coordination of seminars and launch of “Lövholmen – the new Swedish model”, enhanced by the organisation Fargfabriken where I investigated the possibilities to create a new model based on the creation of cultural diversity in the area after the industry’s departure, through people and activities to avoid segregation international level I worked regularly with the following institutions: EQUINET, FRA, European Commission DG Justice, ILO and UNHCR with working groups and the planning of new projects for the social sustainable urban development in European and Italian cities. Since last November I work as Project Manager for the City of Turin to coordinate sociologists, architects and urban planners to identify urban territorial requalification interventions and test innovative forms of housing
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
From 1996 to 2005 I studied and worked in different countries. My work in India, Southeast Asia, South America, South Africa and Sweden have given me experience at international level and the chance to grow in a multi-cultural environment. I have been Coordinator and project manager of several EU projects financed by the EU Commission:Territorial Network against discrimination,Diversity as a value,United in Diversity Against Discrimination, for the Right to Diversity, Breaking stereotypes, BEAMS, Diversity on the Move which aim to promote cultural diversity and avoid segregation in disadvantages areas through new policies, awareness campaigns and trainings/education in schools, universities, workplaces and civil society organizations. Over the last 10 years I have gained a lot of experience in networking with national/international partners,Employers’ Associations, Trade Unions, NGOs,EU Equality Bodies, and International Organizations. All these experiences helped me to understand the challenges and perspectives of urban aspects in different international contexts, and to cooperate with stakeholders from a diversity of disciplines and socio-economic contexts.Also,I have been working consistently as teacher/tutor/scientific coordinator with the following universities and institutions: Lund University- Sweden, Luiss University- Rome, Prodos Consulting Tirana, Fondazione Brodolini- Rome, Cà Foscari University, Tor Vergata University, International University of Venice, ILO
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I speak fluent English and Swedish and I have a good knowledge of Spanish and a basic knowledge of Portuguese. Effective communication has been a fundamental factor in all my previous work experiences. Previous positions have always required business writing, presentations and public speeches, e.g. during my lectures in European Universities, training courses or interviews on radio, television and newspapers, in Italy, Sweden and all over Europe. My first book “Burma beyond the repression” published by Infinito Edizioni, 2008, was written both in Italian and English and I can provide several interviews published also in English. In 2017 and 2018 I also worked on URBACT projects where I also wrote two case studies CHANGE! and City Centre Doctor

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
In 2005 I started working as senior expert,project manager,coordinator of the european structural funds of the Italian Government. Since the very beginning I have always supported the action of the government, local authorities, social partners, associations, EU member states and Institutions with innovative methods of social inclusion in disadvantaged areas through trainings, communications, and dissemination of best practices always adopting inclusive and participatory methods that combine bottom-up and top-down learning activities thus granting full engagement of all stakeholders. I designed the Italian strategy to fight against racism and homophobia and I created the Italian Platform for the inclusion in workplaces of migrants/disabled/LGBT people. I worked as project coordinator in many transnational projects challenging different cultural context to improve outputs, skills and educational training systems and create a helpful framework for concrete integration. I have been Project Manager of several projects funded by the EU working intensively on transnational exchange and learning activities through the organization of interactive seminars, vocational trainings, webinars, online surveys,social media campaigns, gamification, identification and dissemination of good practice and report on policy recommendations and guidelines. I am the author of several books/articles/reports and I have an online blog on L'Espresso

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have always been interested and passionate with issues related to active inclusion on target groups. Both my academic and professional experience have been developing consistently. Thanks to my career as expert for the Italian Ministry for Equal Opportunities and to the cooperation with Universities and International Organizations, I have always been involved in the research and analysis of good practises to be reported, and translated into effective strategies and policy guidelines. My commitment to this issue was translated in several project activities, and in the publication of books and articles in specialized magazines. The main need serving as leitmotif to all activities I took part to was that it is crucial to create more and more meeting opportunities between companies, disadvantage people and police makers so to promote diversity as a value into public administration and the private sector. From 2007 to 2017 I coordinated and organise the innovative Career day for disadvantages groups www.inclusive 2017 I work as Specialist Consultant on crowdfunding for social enterprise for the Metropolitan City of Bologna.Since 2018 I am project manager for the City of Turin for the identification of urban and territorial requalification interventions and experimentation of innovative forms of housing.The actions is identified and structured in order to promote,encourage and support the social inclusion of the recipients, involving them with the city community
Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have always been interested and passionate with issues related to employment, human capital and labour mobility. Both my academic and professional experience have been developing consistently. Thanks to my appointment as expert for the Italian Department for Equal Opportunities as well as to the cooperation with Universities and Internationals Organisations, I have always been involved in the research and analysis of good practise to be reported, and translated into effective strategies and policy guidelines. Furthermore, my commitment to this issue was translated in several project activities, and in the publication of books and articles in specialised magazines. The main need serving as leitmotif to all activities I took part to and coordinated was that it is crucial to create more and more meeting opportunities between companies, disadvantage people and police makers so to promote diversity as a value into public administration and the private sector. Since 2017 I am working as Sustainable Development and Social Innovation Manager for a platform on Diversity&Inclusion called Inclusive Mindset Moreover, since beginning of 2018 I work for Red Cross as expert in the labour market for disadvantaged groups.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Since 2014 I have been representing Italy at the EU Platform of Diversity Charters, a key tool in helping the promotion of acceptance, appreciation, and integration of diversity within the corporate culture focusing on: building knowledge of corporations involvement in the issue; raising awareness on the benefits for companies. I have worked consistently in the coordination of several European initiatives across EU member states. I have been the promoter of several local training courses, communication campaigns, photography contests aimed at producing and implementing local policies. As project coordinator of Genderis I was charged with defining a methodological approach and a toolkit for gender sensitive policy making and action planning for the prevention of THB, whose object was to involve sensitive stakeholders (professionals working in the field national stakeholders and policy makers), and to increase their capability. I was Senior expert for the National Office against discrimination in "territorial network against discrimination" where I designed the Italian strategy to implement new territorial networks against discrimination at regional level in connection with the Italian Antidiscrimination Office (UNAR) please see the Italian country report on capacity building with local authorities (Italian section)
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
I worked as expert for “Lovholmen” coordinating seminars and launch, and investigating the chances to create a new paradigma based on the creation of cultural diversity. I worked in the scientific committee to make the call for tenders for promoting positive action for social inclusion of people at risk of discrimination in Municipalities with at least 100.000 inhabitants As project manager of the city of Turin I coordinate 10 people: sociologist, architects, urban planners for the identification of urban and territorial requalification interventions and experimentation of innovative forms of housing. The actions will be identified and structured to promote, encourage and support social inclusion of recipients through their direct involvement. As social innovation manager of the Italian Red Cross I tailor the right tools for the integration in the labour market of the target groups from suburb areas through: a) Information and training paths and economic activities; b) Support to the creation of external partnerships to match the target groups with companies or with the creation of new start-ups. c) agreements with employers associations to match and integrate the target group in the labour market.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
As researcher, teacher , and writer I am consistently updated on the main policy and funding schemes at EU and local level. I have not only working experience but also regular contact with the following institutions: Equinet, FRA, the European Commission- DG Justice, ILO, and UNHCR. I am involved in special working groups and in planning new projects for social sustainable urban development in the EU and Italian regions and cities using the ESF EU funding. Since June 2015 I have also been involved in the activities of Prodos Consulting both in Italy and Albania, as teacher for the online courses on EU project management and Diversity management and as consultant for the realisation of programmes and funding. Since 2016 I teach as Lecturer "Sustainable Urban Development" at Tor vergata University
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
I have been coordinator and project manager in several EU projects financed by the European Commission: "Territorial Network against Discrimination”; “Diversity as a value” ; United in diversity” ; Against Discrimination, for the right to Diversity”; “Breaking stereotypes”, “BEAMS”; “Diversity on the move” , just to quote a few. The mentioned project all aim at promoting cultural diversity and avoiding segregation in disadvantaged areas through new policies, awareness campaigns , training seminars in schools, Universities, workplaces, and civil society organisations. Thanks to previous experiences I develop excellent skills is networking, with national and international partners, employers associations, trade unions, NGOs, European equality bodies, and international organisations. All these experiences gave me the chance to understand the challenges, and perspectives of urban aspects in different international contexts, as well as cooperating with stakeholders from very different fields and social contexts. Working in Rome with Roma people with the Red Cross I had to face several challenges from both projects recipients and employers organizations' sides concerning the appreciation of people as would be employees and not as mere part of an ethnic group. This led me to the development of lateral thinking approach to adapt needs to different cultures in order to find a compromise accepted by both parties.
Summary Expertise: 
Since 2003 I have been working consistently in the promotion of integrated and participatory urban development policies. I started at the Swedish ombudsman and then continued as senior expert for the national office against discriminations of the Italian government. As researcher, teacher and writer, I am fully and continously updated on the main EU funding schemes and I am in regular contact with EU institutions such as Equinet, FRA, The EU Commission- DG Justice, ILO, and UNHCR. My main responsibility in this field has been not only to gather and create interactions between International national and local authorities and relevant stakeholders- i.e. companies, NGOs, the civil society, but also to coordinate and manage EU projects and initiatives across EU Member states. Moreover, I have been charged of coordinating and managing several projects funded by the European Commission. Thanks to previous experiences I have developed excellent skills is networking with national and international partners , employers associations, trade unions, NGOs, European equality bodies, and international organisations. All these experiences gave me the chance to understand the challenges , and perspectives of urban aspects in different international contexts, as well as working together with stakeholders from very different fields and social contexts.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise