Luisa Tuttolomondo
Ad-Hoc Expert
Generic Skills
B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development:
Both my academic career and my working experience have always been mainly focused on the issue of integrated and sustainable urban development. I started to study this topic during the one year course for volunteers of international cooperation promoted by the University of Modena, then I had the opportunity to gain knowledge on the field through an internship at Oxfam Italia in Jerusalem. My master degree thesis draws on this experience by proposing an evaluation of a project of international cooperation. Then the one year course of specialization on Participative Local Action and Sustainable Urban Development at Iuav in Venice allowed me to learn participatory methodologies for planning and implementation of sustainable urban. I further studied the subject through the 3 years phd course in Territorial Planning at Iuav where I also learn theory and tools for the evaluation of urban policies. During my work experience I had the opportunity to apply and further develop my knowledge and skills on sustainable urban development thanks to the many project of participatory planning I followed and helped to manage within the Municipality of Palermo (among these the 2 years project “Electronic Town Meeting Palermo” for the participatory planning on the topics of waterfront renewal, waste management, pedestrianization, administrative decentralization) and the external consultancy within the Urbact III project “Interactive Cities” for the Municipality of Palermo.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level:
My understanding of transnational exchange and learning processes begins during the academic training. During this period I had the opportunity to participate to a 3 months Leonardo project in Ireland where I experienced as participant the value of learning through a transnational project in an other European country. Then through the one year course for volunteers of international cooperation promoted by the University of Modena I learnt tools and methodologies for the planning of exchange and learning processes at transnational level. During my 6 months internship at Oxfam Italia and my work for the ngo Next I also did experience of projects writing for Erasmus, Interreg, Horizon calls. From March 2012 to August 2012 I supported the management of a transnational cooperation project between Italia and Georgia for the hosting of refugee children funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGAP). From January 2018 until August 2018 I worked as external consultant within the Urbact III project “Interactive Cities” for the Municipality of Palermo. Within the project I coordinated the Ulg and managed the elaboration of the Iap and I also attended the related transnational meetings. From February 2018 until June 2018 I worked as junior researcher at the reduction of a comparative research with the European Cosme project “Eu Give: Generating opportunities from intangible assets and value chains in the collaborative economy in Europe”
B.3. Proficiency in English:
I studied English within the two years of Master degree in Design and Management of cultural activities at University of Modena that belongs to the Italian degree typology “LM38”, referring to all master degrees teaching languages for international communication and cooperation. During this course in 2008 I spent a semester at the University of Technology of Sidney where I took oral and written exams in English. I also have a C2 certification. I also had the opportunity to improve my language skills through the many work experiences in the field of international cooperation from the Leonardo project in 2005, the internship in the Palestinian Occupied Territories at Oxfam Italia in 2010, the management of the transnational cooperation project between Italia and Georgia for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2012, the European Cosme project Eu Give and the Urbact III project “Interactive Cities” for the Municipality of Palermo in 2018. Furthermore I have also written many scientific articles and research reports in English as: - Iervese V., Tuttolomondo L. (2014) “Youth agency and Participation Outside the classroom”,
In: Agency and Participation in Childhood and Youth: International Applications of the Capability Approach in Schools and Beyond, Bloomsbury; Tuttolomondo L. (2017) ‘Between formal and informal practices to manage the city:The role of street art in the Old town of Palermo’ In: Urban intervention, street art and public space,, Lisbon
Thematic expertise:
Theme / Policy:
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise:
I have been working in the field of integrated and sustainable urban development and local governance both as researcher and practitioner since my master degree in design and planning of cultural activities at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia where I gained a sociological background Then I specialized in urban planning and public policies analysis through a course of specialization on Participative Local Action and Sustainable Urban Development and a phd in Regional planning and public policies at Iuav university of Venice. My main work and research interest has always regarded the promotion of an effective sustainable urban development through a participatory approach. I have been pursuing it through the management as freelance consultant of many processes of participatory democracy for private and public sector actors (ngos, university, municipalities) and in the framework of European project (Parterre, Medlab, Urbact, European social fund). I also carried out many research projects within European programmes (Irses Marie Curie Exchange, Cosme,) and in the academic context on different issues spanning from local participatory governance, collaborative economy, urban mobility, urban security, social intervention in peripheral areas, street art and urban art. I am co-founder and director of Sguardi Urbani, a research organization operating in the Municipality of Palermo with the aim of promoting the sustainable urban development of the city.
Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies
E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices :
I supported and managed the implementation of many projects adopting participatory methods and tools for the design and implementation of local polices and I had experience in the management of all phases of a participatory process from outreach to the delivery of the results of the process. For what regards outreach activities I have carried on interviews, focus groups, neighbourhood walks, as main tools of involving stakeholders of different types. For what regards participatory methods for the design of policy processes I supported and managed the implementation of Collaborative Arenas, Electronic Town Meetings, Ost, Bar camps. I am also expert in the production of outputs coming from processes of involvement of stakeholders, citizens and institutional representatives as instant reports, formal documents, integrated action plans, research reports. One of the most interesting project I worked on has been the preparation and implementation of an Electronic Town Meeting regarding the design of new policies of renewal for the Second Circumscription of the city of Palermo in the framework of the project Parterre - Electronic Participation Tools for Spatial Planning and Territorial Development”. In this context I conducted six month of outreach activities in the area, I involved all the stakeholders and citizens to participate to the event, I set up all the contents to be discussed, I worked to the reduction of the final report and to its dissemination.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies:
I have experience of project monitoring and evaluation of sustainable urban development especially within contexts of international cooperation. In particular I carried on the evaluation of some projects of social intervention with children and adolescents in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for Oxfam Italia. In these cases I conducted a qualitative research by using focus groups and interviews in order to evaluate the quality of the processes started up and the reaching of the final objectives. Through my phd thesis I also evaluated the results produced by the implementation of participatory urban policies in the Municipality of Palermo in the period 2012 – 2016. The results of these evaluations have been communicated through the production and publishing of reports, articles on scientific reviews and book chapters.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level:
I always keep me informed about sustainable urban development policies, trends and funds by periodically consulting the main information web sites of the European Union and the Italian government related to the issue of integrated urban development. In particular I consult the European Union web site in the section regarding urban development, the web sites related to the European programmes Urbact and Uia. the Italian Government webistes related to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to the one of the Environment and Territory. I also subscribed to the newsletter of the web portal Obiettivo Europa Informa that regularly send me updates on the main calls at European, national and regional level. Furthermore I always keep me updated on the issues of my interest by looking for new scientific articles on the main social networking website for academics as and
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities:
Thanks to the many projects of participatory policies design and implementation I took part in I gained a strong ability in easily understanding specific contexts and dynamic among local actors (conflict, interests, power relations) and in adapting tools and methods to a specific situation. With reference to these aspects one of the most interesting projects I worked on is the Urbact III programme “Interactive Cities” where I participated as external consultant for the Municipality of Palermo in charge of managing the project, coordinating the Ugl meetings and the participatory process of reduction of the Integrated Action Plan. In order to reach the project goals I first carried out single interviews to identify the proper stakeholders and the issues to which they were interested. Then I arranged and facilitated the different Ugl meetings by proposing to the group different methods according to the different phases of the project. Once the Ugl identified the main themes to develop within the Iap I worked with the stakeholder involved to integrate them in local urban policies in progress.
Summary Expertise:
I have been working in the field of supporting local authorities and other stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies since 2011, starting with the European project Parterre where I carried on the activities of outreach and territorial animation in the second circumscription of the Municipality of Palermo and I also set up all the contents and arrangements for the implementation of an Electronic Town Meeting. I also supported the implementation of many other project of participatory policy design both for private and public sector actors (ngos, university, municipalities) and in the framework of European projects (Parterre, Medlab, Urbact, European social fund). I have strong experience of the main tools for outreach and territorial animation and of participatory methods as Collaborative Arenas, Electronic Town Meetings, Ost, Bar camps. I am also expert in the production of outputs coming from participatory processes as instant reports, formal documents, integrated action plans, research reports. Thanks to the attendance of the course of specialization on Participative Local Action and Sustainable Urban Development and the achievement of a phd in Regional planning and public policies at Iuav university of Venice I gained an excellent ability in identifying and analysing local stakeholders, understanding local context and their policy issues, adapting participatory tools to the specific need of cities.
Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level:
Foreign languages: