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Looking for partners for your project idea? The IN marketplace is now open!

Edited on

04 May 2016
Read time: 1 minute

A call for the creation of Implementation Networks is currently open (22 March-22 June 2016). To facilitate the partner search during the period of open calls a platform is available where potential applicants can post their project ideas and contact details.


We know that having a good mix of partners is key in getting your Implementation Network proposal right! For this reason we created a special space where you can declare interest and explain the type of partner you are looking for.

In our "Partner Marketplace", you will find cities declaring interesting in leading an implementation network and looking for potential partners, or cities interested in joining a network proposal as a partner. We invite you to check these and get in contact with them if you are willing to get involved in this URBACT call !

You can post your idea HERE.

You can consult the partner marketplace HERE.

Please note that the ideas posted are neither published, nor checked by the Secretariat. You should contact directly the person who proposed the idea, if you are interested by it.