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Live illustrations ULG meeting The Hague

Edited on

05 January 2022
Read time: 1 minute

On the 3rd of december the Urban Local Group (ULG) of the Hague again came together for a meet up. The ULG-members worked together using a Miro board to support their brainstorm session.

One of the bigger topics during the meeting was the wish of the Hague to stimulate the transition to a circular economy and how this should be approached on a local level. A brainstorm was hold on how to enact circularity on a local level. In this trajectory innovation was seen as a key component. This creates space for enacting smaller pilot-projects. These projects will not all be successful, but pilots with less than ideal results can be seen as a learning opportunity for future endeavors.

Part of the meeting was illustrated by Hugo from Buro Brand. You can find the drawings here for a nice expression of the meeting.