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Lead Expert Visits to E4C partners

Edited on

04 June 2012
Read time: 2 minutes
During the month of June the Lead Expert will be visiting E4C Partners in order to establish a first contact.

Lead Expert will meet with all the E4C partners with the idea of collecting information for the Baseline Study and meet with the URBACT Local Support Gourps in each city.

Cities to visit:

 - Agueda (PT)

 - Sunderland (UK)

 - Ghent (BE)

 - Patras (EL)

- Consorcio Red Local, Madrid (SP)

Tha agenda in each visit will be:

Day 1

10h: Intake meeting with local coordinator / contact person
 • Final discussion of the programme for the 2 days

 • Information about arrangements that have possibly changed

 • Explication of participants in the various sessions and their local

 • Local Contact Person
 • Local coordinator

11h: Meeting with Managing Authorities
 • Discussing the details of the co-operation between city and Managing Authority in this issue. Description of Urbact project, aims and tools. Description of E4C project
 • Roles and responsibilities on both sides. Involvement with Local

Action Plan
 • Expectations and required added value of the participation on both sides

 • Has the Operational Programme been approved? (if not, when is this expected?)
 • Is the city partner named in the Operational Programme?
 • In which way does the Operational Programme cover projects to support E-skills and ICT jobs. Which are the topics and elements covered by this programme?

 • Local Contact Person
 • Co-ordinating Expert
 • City representative(s) of relevant level
 • Managing Authority representative(s) of relevant level

13h: Lunch Break

14.30: Site visit to an innovative best practice which could be a reference to the project
 • Local Contact Person
 • Co-ordinating Expert
 • City representative(s) who are relevant for the area and the policy field(s) touched

Day 2

10h: Workshop with Local Support Group members: presentation of Urbact program: aims and tools (Lead expert and Local coordinator)

10.30h: Workshop with LSG members: presentation of the E4C innovative cities project on E-skills and ICT jobs and future Action Plan
(Lead expert and Local coordinator)

11h: Workshop with LSG members: The local area on E-skills and ICT jobs and future Action Plan
 • Identification of strong and weak points related to organizations involved in E-skills support and job creation in ICT sector. What is the situation in the area that is to be included in the partnership?
 • What previous projects and strategies have been implemented here?
 • What remains to be done and could be integrated in a Local Action Plan– for which current problems are innovative new solutions and integrated action necessary?
 • Which key players should be involved in the development and later implementation of this Local Action Plan?
 • What could each of them contribute to this Local Action Plan?
 • What is expected by each organization to be achieved by the project activities
 • What is expected to receive from other cities participating in the project and what could be offered as best or innovative practices

13h : Lunch Break

14.30h : Wrap up session with local coordinator and other representatives appointed to the project