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Launching of the Baseline Study

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

The InteGROW Baseline Study has been launched by the Lead Expert.

The first step of the Baseline Study aims to gather information in order to provide an overview of the current situation in each participating locality – with regards to youths, experiencing or at risk of exclusion, and the local labour market.

This includes the following aspects:

  • Problem analysis: How is the theme of InteGROW reflected at local level? What are the real needs of the locality, in terms of youth employment and inclusion?
  • What actions (policies/services/projects) have been undertaken in the cities? What would be the likely focus and outputs of the Local Action Plan?
  • Successes, gaps, challenges and priorities?
  • How can the partners benefit from the project?
  • What can the partners contribute to the project?

These questions will be answered thanks to fieldwork and contacts with local stakeholders during the first phase of the InteGROW project.

The final Baseline Study will be available in the "Our Outputs" section of this website.