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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am highly experienced in analysing and interpreting environmental issues and how they relate to the city and urban context. I am responsible for my organisation’s partner contribution to ROCK, a Horizon 2020-funded 32-partner project focused on historic city centres as laboratories to demonstrate how cultural heritage can drive regeneration, sustainable development and economic growth for the whole city. Within ROCK, I work across 10 EU cities to engage heritage with urban issues such as resilience to climate change, biodiversity loss, air pollution, food, regeneration and opportunities for civic engagement. My role is to enable city municipalities to maximise opportunities for environmental leadership, testing new models (eg circular economy), and developing city-specific creative responses to climate and environment. My city-focused consultancy portfolio includes: green governance (eg developing a training programme for Athens municipality); policy and strategy (eg supporting Manchester City Council to develop a sustainable events strategy); environmental performance assessments of buildings and events (eg environmental site audits with Culture Coventry); and stakeholder engagement (eg developing messaging and engagement for Bournemouth Council). Alongside this professional experience is a strong academic record in sustainability and urban geography, a culmination of theory and practice from my BSc in Environmental Science and my MSc in Social and Political Theory.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
As a lead facilitator on the Creative Climate Leadership and Arts Council England’s Accelerator training programmes, I am experienced in co-developing and delivering international, interdisciplinary learning and exchange programmes. Creative Climate Leadership is a Creative Europe funded programme aimed at building capacity and leadership within the arts, convening leading cultural voices from across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. By bringing together and investing in such supportive and entrepreneurial international communities we build the capability of organisations and creative professionals at all levels to realise their full potential and develop appropriate solutions faster. I currently lead the programme Creative Climate Cities, a partnership with World Cities Culture Forum and C40 – supporting cities including: London, New York, Cape Town, Amsterdam, Taipei, Melbourne and San Francisco. Creative Climate Cities is focused on enabling cultural and environmental departments to collaborate with a view to embedding environmental knowledge, ambition and action into civic cultural policy and strategy – and sharing this practice within cities across the world. I have presented this programme in South Korea and California as part of the Global Climate Action Summit. From working within various partner networks (ROCK, UCLG) I have become expert in building and maintaining positive relationships, engaging and leveraging partner expertise, and opportunities to collaborate.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
English is my mother tongue. I am an accomplished public speaker, regularly presenting my projects internationally and delivering provocations on urban sustainability challenges, environmental science, and creative responses to climate change etc. I have presented at such events as the: 2nd United Cities and Local Government UCLG Culture Summit (South Korea); 8th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (Germany) and the Global Climate Action Summit (USA) - and COP24 (Poland). I am experienced in facilitating internationally staged workshops, delivering informed and well-designed presentations and keynotes (eg the World Cities Culture Summit for deputy Mayors) and chairing discussion panels – most recently at the Welcome Collection, discussing the scientific and cultural history of electricity. I am also highly experienced in producing a range of written content, from technical reports (eg carbon impacts and opportunity analysis reports) to opinion pieces, interviews (eg ENCATC Scholar) and social media; I work closely with designers to ensure my content is accessible and engaging, tailored to the target audiences. With strong interpersonal and communication skills, I have built partnerships with a variety of stakeholders - from grassroots activists, to directors of municipal divisions and Mayoral teams adapting content and style to convey key message clearly and concisely.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I am highly experienced in analysing and interpreting environmental issues and how they relate to the city and urban context. My current focus is on civic policy, sharing good practice and providing recommendations for policy development; for example, working in partnership with C40 and World Cities Culture Forum on the Culture and Climate Change Policy Handbook and Creative Climate Cities support programme - which brings together international case studies of culture and climate change policy and practice. I have developed and facilitated a programme of international policy labs (e.g. Creative Climate Leadership Policy Lab in Leeuwarden) which convene city and cultural representatives to think critically about how cultural policy, strategy and programmes contribute to action on environmental sustainability. I am currently co-developing a Regulatory Framework which demonstrates best practice drawing together national sustainable development scenarios, cultural policy and city strategies, outlining key policy recommendations to integrate environmental sustainability into urban strategies from the perspective of cultural heritage in areas including tourism, arts, and culture, well-being, climate change and regeneration. I am experienced in facilitating internationally staged workshops and collaborating with international strategic bodies e.g. C40, UCLG, ICLEI; and municipal governments across Europe and the world.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies


Residence location:
United Kingdom
English - Mother tongue

Area of expertise