Latest Panorama magazine now online: Delivering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
Edited on
24 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute
The latest edition of the European Commission's Panorama magazine on regional policy is out now! Entitled "Delivering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth", this issue deals with the fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion.

Highlights of this 36th edition include:
- Information and examples about the way regional policy is supporting the Europe 2020 strategy for growth and jobs
- The impact of regional policy and options for the future
- Helping less advantaged regions to catch up
- Beyond GDP: new ways of measuring economic and social progress
Panorama n°36 also includes a quiz, so that you can test your knowledge of EU regional policy!
The magazine is available on line into 21 languages. English, French and German edition available in printed copies.
Read more :
- Panorama on-line - INFOREGIO website
- INFOREGIO - website
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