Last ULG for Clermont Auvergne Métropole
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18 May 2022On May, 16th, the last ULG from CAM held with all the members working together about the evaluation of the IAP. The latter has been evaluated by the peers at the European scale and now it’s time for the local group to evaluate it.

To do so, the CAM partner used URBACT tools to manage and to enliven the meeting in order to get results from collective intelligence.
The ULG members were divided into 4 groups, each one working on particular aspects of the IAP. They used an URBACT grid of evaluation to highlight the strenghts and the improvement possibilities for the IAP. The grid invited them to ask, among other questions : « Does my IAP have a clear structure ? » ; « Are the expected results rigourously defined ? » ; « Are my actions prioritized ? ».
This tool is useful to have a critical view on the IAP in an enhancing process. Moreover this tool, as many ones proposed by URBACT, is exploitable for other projects and planification tasks out of an URBACT project. This is the proof that being part of an URBACT network can have benefits beyond the extent of the network itself.
After this collaborative workshop, an important concern was adressed : what’s the future of the ULG after Urb-En Pact ?
The local group formed in the framework of Urb-En Pact but the members want to keep on working together at the local scale ! They suggested some avenues to maintain and to improve the collective dynamic once the project is over : bi-annual meetings , local newsletter, widening the membership to university in a deeper way, creation a common storage solution to keep work documents…
The event wraped up with a convivial time all together, auguring other collaborative adventures in Clermont Auvergne Métropole and beyond of course...
Submitted by Hélène Mazaleyrat on