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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have a postgraduate degree in social policy (Lic.Soc.Sci). In addition, roughly 20 years of solid and unique experience in demanding national and international cross-border transformation projects in big and medium-sized cities and municipalities, focusing on social welfare and health care reform. The projects have comprised topics related to prevention, active aging, youth, digitalization, data-driven social welfare & healthcare, and management system mechanisms reform. The projects have tackled obstacles related to administrative borders in big and medium-sized cities and municipalities. Cross-border collaboration and integration have been corroborated by developing and implementing boundaryless cooperation structures for promoting the well-being of the citizens between municipal sectors, NGOs, and SMEs. This has been done by organizing local multi-professional cooperation groups between stakeholders, developing management system mechanisms reform (e.g. proactive reporting system and social investment model), and developing and implementing digital innovations (e.g. first-stage digital customer guidance solutions). Cross-border organizational development has been carried out from the bottom-up to political decision-making so that resources can be proactively allocated and distributed in citizens’ everyday environments (e.g. home, leisure time, and digital environments).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have been responsible for planning a comprehensive agetech-solution action plan (SmartCare) for older adults in one of the biggest listed HIS suppliers in the Nordics, in collaboration with the Nordic countries and with an extensive network of IoT market leaders. SmartCare was an IoT-platform collecting real-time data from different data sources and enabling timely and cost-efficient collaboration with older adults in everyday environments (home, leisure time, and digital environments). Currently, I am responsible for international research, development, and innovation projects focused on health promotion, intelligent self-care & customer guidance, and human-driven social welfare & healthcare services, for example during spring 2022, responsible for the planning of the Digihealth 65+ project application as part of Interreg Baltic Sea Region program in collaboration with five European countries and the Prevention4Youth-project application as part of the Central Baltic program in collaboration with three European countries. Also currently assembling a new international consortium around the Wellness Clinic 65+ project.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have a few years of experience working in English. In my previous position as a senior manager, I have been responsible for writing English action plans, pre-sales materials, and organizing meetings for potential Nordic customers. I have also written an EU-project proposal (e.g. PHArA-ON) for one startup. The overall objective of the PHArA-ON project is to provide support for Europe’s aging population by integrating digital services, devices, and tools into open platforms. In my current position as a chief specialist, I am responsible for organizing transnational meetings and carrying out Interreg and Horizon application preparation processes in collaboration with EU countries and different stakeholders.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Summary Thematic expertise: 
National and international research, development, and innovation projects focusing on health and well-being promotion, intelligent self-care & first-stage customer guidance, and human-driven social welfare & healthcare service innovations. A pioneer in planning and implementation of the data-driven first-stage health and well-being guidance solutions, practices, and operating models in different age groups, specifically for youth and older adults outside the continuous care. The aim is to enable transformation from a narrow to a holistic approach in social welfare and health care services: 1) a common target in prevention – multi-professional collaboration structure and responsibilities, 2) need-driven guidance in different areas of well-being and health for timely multi-professional collaboration, 3) a need-driven reporting for proactive decision making. From short-term to long-term decision-making: through the data-driven multi-professional support can be targeted for those who potentially benefit the most from preventive interventions. From reactive to proactive interventions: knowledge-based, timely and target-oriented collaboration at all levels, starting from the natural everyday environments of the youth and older adults (home, school, leisure, and digital environments).

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
As a project manager, I have been responsible for the implementation of the programs implementing the national social and health strategies mentioned in this application at the regional level, The methods used in the projects e.g. inclusive brainstorming and Kanban, e.g. a regional development project for elderly services in five municipalities (Vanhuspalvelujen seutuhanke). Content-wise, the project was one of the largest elderly services development projects funded by the national Social services development program (2003-2007).
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
Through my vast experience in social welfare and health care, I support the future welfare areas by applying monitoring tools provided by the national institute of health and welfare. For example at the beginning of 2023, a supplement to the state contribution to welfare and health promotion, the HYTE coefficient, will be introduced for municipalities. The HYTE coefficient is an incentive and monitoring tool, which means that the amount of the state's share of municipal funding is determined in part by their well-being and health promotion work. The aim is to ensure that municipalities take an active role in promoting the well-being and health of their residents even after the social welfare & health care reform. I have also used national monitoring indicators as project monitoring tools ( The monitoring tool has been used systematically in the National Development Programmes (Social services development program & Social and health care program, KASTE).
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
As I chief specialist, I am currently responsible for the national and international research, development, and innovation projects, and through this familiar with national and international strategies and RDI funding instruments (e.g. Interreg, Horizon, etc.). Planning transnational social welfare & health care EU projects in line with e.g. Europe 2020 strategy and EUSBSR. On the national level, responsible for carrying out social welfare & health care programs on a local level. Content development was carried out mainly as part of a national development program for social welfare and health care (KASTE).
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
I make extensive use of European statistics in my previous and current positions, both in project planning and as a monitoring tools. This information helps to understand development needs at the national and international levels. For example, I have also done my master’s and licentiate theses using statistical multivariate methods.


Residence location:
Finnish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise