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Krakow analyzes sustainable tourism policy within its ULG

Edited on

12 October 2020
Read time: 1 minute

On October 6 th, the ULG online meeting in Krakow gathered a large number of participants (52 people) to analyze and discuss the new strategic document of the city entitled "Krakow's sustainable                              tourism policy for 2021-2028".

Probably this is the first document of this type, which contains 9 recommendations for all local tourism stakeholders in the city. The recommendations are aimed at rebuilding tourist traffic under new conditions.

The 9 recommendations concern the following areas:

1. Krakow's "tailor-made" tourist market

2. Tourism hypertrophy and balancing the sharing economy

3. The meetings’ industry

4. Tourism identity and reputation management

5. Tourist marketing and communication tools

6. Managing the night economy

7. Culture and creative industries in the tourism economy

8. Managing conflicts between stakeholders

9. New technologies in tourism.


Subsequently, each of the 9 recommendations will be discussed at succeeding ULG meetings. In addition, in the works undertaken in the frame of the Tourism Friendly Cities project will enable the preparation of the assumptions for the "Quality Krakow" certificate.


Bartłomiej Walas - Municipality of Krakow