Konferenca Moč povezanih skupnosti v mestih / Conference The Power of Civic Ecosystems
Edited on
19 September 2022Moč povezanih skupnosti v mestih
Kako povezane skupnosti in njihovi prostori ustvarjajo bolj sodelujoča, pravična in odporna mesta
8. in 9. november 2022, Ljubljana

Nevladne organizacije in civilne iniciative se kažejo kot ključni vezni člen za premagovanje rastočega nezaupanja med javnimi upravami in javnostjo. Različne oblike sodelovanja med mesti in civilno družbo zato postajajo v mestih širom Evrope vedno bolj pomembne za kakovost življenja in storitev v mestih. Le močne in povezane lokalne skupnosti so se namreč sposobne učinkovito prilagoditi na nenehne spremembe v družbi in širšem okolju.
Pridružite se nam 8. in 9. novembra 2022 v Ljubljani na mednarodni konferenci Moč povezanih skupnosti v mestih: Kako povezane skupnosti in njihovi prostori ustvarjajo bolj sodelujoča, pravična in odporna mesta.
Prvi dan konference bomo spoznavali različne tuje in domače primere sodelovanja mest z nevladnimi organizacijami in civilnimi iniciativami. Na konferenci se nam bodo pridružili Levente Polyak iz organizacije Eutropian s predstavitvijo širše evropske slike sodelovanja mest in civilne družbe, Irina Vasiljeva s Hišo NVO Riga, Petra Marčinko z zgodbo kompleksa Lazareti v Dubrovniku in Jan Franjul s predstavitvijo skupnostnega centra Rojc iz Pulja. Izvedeli bomo tudi, kako so slovenska mesta prevzela dobro prakso mestne dnevne sobe iz Idrije in jo prilagodila svojim lokalnim razmeram.
Drugi dan organiziramo srečanje organizacij civilne družbe, ki delujejo na področju urbanega razvoja. Skupaj s povabljenimi predstavniki organizacij in skupnosti iz vse Evrope bomo razpravljali in raziskovali, kako olajšati mreženje in izmenjavo izkušenj med skupnostnimi praksami v evropskih mestih.
Prijava (Dogodek bo potekal v živo. Zaradi lažje organizacije dogodka in omejitve mest je prijava na dogodek obvezna)
Program bo objavljen kmalu. Konferenca bo potekala v slovenščini in angleščini s simultanim prevajanjem.
Konferenco bo pospremila istoimenska publikacija v založništvu IPoP in Eutropian, ki bo povzela in nadgradila publikacijo The Power of Civic Ecosystems iz leta 2021.
Konferenco organizira IPoP – Inštitut za politike prostora, ki deluje v vlogah Nacionalne URBACT točke in koordinatorja Mreže za prostor. Prvi dan je sofinanciran s strani programa URBACT, drugi dan dogodka pa poteka v okviru Podnebnega programa Mreže za prostor. Podnebni program financirata Eko sklad in Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor iz sredstev Sklada za podnebne spremembe. Za mnenja, predstavljena na tem dogodku, so odgovorni izključno avtorji dokumenta in ne odražajo nujno stališč Ministrstva za okolje in prostor, Eko sklada j.s. ali projektnih partnerjev.
Grafika: Darja Klančar, Darka, prirejena po originalu.
The Power of Civic Ecosystems
How community spaces and their networks make our cities more cooperative, fair and resilient
8 and 9 November 2022, Ljubljana
NGOs and civic initiatives are proving to be a key link to overcome the growing mistrust between public administrations and the citizens. In cities across Europe, various forms of cooperation between cities and civil society are therefore becoming increasingly important for the quality of life and services in cities. Only strong and connected local communities are able to adapt effectively to the constant changes in society and the wider environment.
Join us in Ljubljana on 8th and 9th of November 2022 for the international conference The Power of Civic Ecosystems: How community spaces and their networks make our cities more cooperative, fair and resilient
On the first day of the conference, we will learn about different foreign and Slovenian good practices of cities working with NGOs and civic initiatives. Levente Polyak from Eutropian will join us at the conference with a presentation of a broader European picture of city-civil society cooperation, Irina Vasiljeva from Riga with NGO House Riga, Petra Marčinko with the story of Lazareti complex in Dubrovnik and Jan Franjul with a presentation of the Rojc Community Centre from Pula. We will also find out how Slovenian cities have taken the good practice of the Towns Living Room from Idrija and adapted it to suit their local context.
On the second day we organise a meeting of civil society organisations active in urban development. Together with invited representatives of organisations and communities from across Europe we will discuss and explore how to facilitate networking and sharing of experiences between community practices in European cities.
Registration (The event will be live. Registration is required.)
Programme will be announced soon. The conference will be held in Slovenian and English with simultaneous translation.
The conference will be accompanied by a publication of the same name, published by IPoP and Eutropian, which will summarise and build on the 2021 publication The Power of Civic Ecosystems.
The conference is organised by IPoP – Institute for Spatial Policies, acting as the National URBACT Point and Coordinator of the Mreža za prostor, Slovenian network of NGOs in the field of sustainable urban planning. The first day of the event is co-financed by the URBACT Programme, while the second day is organised under the Climate Programme of Mreža za prostor. The Climate Programme is funded by the EcoFund and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning from the Climate Change Fund. The opinions expressed at this event are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, the EcoFund or the project partners.
Graphic: Darja Klančar, Darka, updated after the original.
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