Knowledge Box and contract template – as the British do
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31 August 2022The United Kingdom is among the first countries to dive in the world of social impact bonds, as we could learn from the Masterclasses and Ms Pizzorno as well. In 2013 the UK Government published a Knowledge Box - A guidance for developing social impact bonds, putting resources to provide the citizens with elaborate guidance on SIB-type contracting, as well as a template for SIB service agreement contracting.

Social Impact Bond Knowledge Box is a document providing information on all aspects of developing and commissioning social impact bonds (SIBs), from identifying service areas suitable for SIBs to measuring outcomes and calculating savings. It also includes comparable case studies of SIBs launched to date and provides links to other sources of information and guidance in the UK and internationally.
Knowledge Box is a modular resource intended to be used as a reference, quickly and often, rather than read like a book. It is designed as a practical resource to help SIB developers to implement more SIBs, and seeks to address some of the technical questions that early SIB developers have encountered.
The government has also developed a template SIB service agreement contract as a free resource to SIB developers in the UK. The contract governs the terms of the relationship between the commissioner of a SIB and the delivery body. It is a relevant tool for developing any payment-by-results or outcomes-based service contract, but it has been developed based on specialist expertise on outcomes-based commissioning projects that draw in social investment through a social impact bond. The contract template is based on the law of England and Wales. It was developed through a wide consultation with experienced SIB developers including commissioners, investors and intermediaries involved in the 13 SIBs currently in operation.
To provide our network with extensive information on SIBs, these two publications are available in the SIBdev Library.
Submitted by Nora Kebel on