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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am a graduate in sociology and economics. I specialize in social problems at the local level, mainly in urban areas and in peripheral regions. I also work for many years as a volunteer for urban non-government organizations. I am co-author of the model and founder of the Regional Cultural Observatory, which is a node of a Living Culture Observatory in Poland.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I participated in the implementation of many international projects, and I am a member of many international scientific organizations focused on the themes of social policy and labor market. For example, I was evaluating proposals of transnational research projects to the Horizon 2020, I was a mentor for social change in Babele an international online program for social entrepreneurs, I am co-author of a multilingual compendium "Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy", and I am an author of country summaries for the European Map of Intergenerational Learning and for the Social Innovation Europe.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I work as a translator at the Translated S.R.L (Italy). I am an author of numerous scientific books and papers published in English and I participated in many international conferences. My publications in English include books such as "Experts and Cultural Narcissism: Relations in the Early 21st Century, "Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy," "Aging in the Social Space," and "Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium".

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I am sociologist, but my research and activities focus on gerontology, labor economics, public management, and social policy. I am an author of more than 100 publications including 51 chapters in books, 3 books, and 5 chapters in 4 encyclopedias.
Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I am sociologist, but my research and activities focus on gerontology, labor economics, public management, and social policy. I am an author of more than 100 publications including 51 chapters in books, 3 books, and 5 chapters in 4 encyclopedias.
Theme / Policy: 
Arts and Culture
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I am sociologist, but my research and activities focus on gerontology, labor economics, public management, and social policy. I am an author of more than 100 publications including 51 chapters in books, 3 books, and 5 chapters in 4 encyclopedias.
Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
06-08.2014 - expert - Fundacja Laboratorium Badań i Działań Społecznych „SocLab” - Conceptualization of the research project and Desk Research on social policy towards old age and the elderly with particular emphasis on the model of the age friendly cities of the World Health Organization; project “Seniors participate” co-funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy under the Government Programme for the Elderly Social Activity for 2014-2020 12.2013 - expert - Fundacja Laboratorium Badań i Działań Społecznych „SocLab” – Preparation of the evaluation report from educational workshops within the project Plac Zabaw Arsenał 2013 (Playground Arsenał 2013) implemented under the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage programme in 2013; conducting a study of sampling, methods and tools for the study, the degree of satisfaction and expectations of participants 08-09.2013 - expert - SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action - Preparation of report Diagnoza postaw mieszkańców Białegostoku w zakresie tolerancji (Diagnosis of attitudes in tolerance of Bialystok residents), including: study research tools, the structure of the survey sample preparation, statistical analysis, presentation of the report 03-04.2013 - outside expert - Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Department of Senior Policy - Work on evaluating proposals to the second edition of the Government Programme for the Elderly Social Activity for 2012-2013
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
02.2013 - present - expert - SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action and Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Kulturalnych w Olsztynie - Organization of the student internships from the Institute of Sociology, University of Bialystok during project Budowa ogólnopolskiej sieci Obserwatoriów Żywej Kultury (Construction of a nationwide network of Living Culture observatories) implemented under the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage programme in 2013. Design and coordination of the regional research team Mapa wiedzy i niewiedzy o kulturze w województwie podlaskim (Map of knowledge and ignorance about the culture in Podlaskie), Monitoring wydarzeń kulturalnych w regionie (Monitoring of cultural events in the region) and Podlaska biblioteka kultury (Podlaska culture library) 09-10.2014 - Expert - Białostocka Fundacja Kształcenia Kadr - Project PI-PWP: Innowacje na zakręcie - testowanie i wdrażanie nowych metod outplacementu (PI-PIP: Innovation at the turn - testing and implementation of new methods of outplacement) implemented under the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 - Preparation and presentation of the report from the evaluation studies of final products developed in the project 11-12.2013 - outside expert - Fundacja Aktywizacja - Preparation and conducting evaluation of project Akademia Liderów Integracji Cyfrowej i Edukacji - ALICE (Academy of Digital Inclusion and Education Leaders) co-financed by the Ministry of Administration and Digitization - preparation of evaluation tool of all activities, data analysis, preparation of project evaluation report 08-12.2013 - outside expert - Fundacja Ortus - Preparing and conducting project evaluation Oboz Kultury 2.0 (Culture Camp 2.0) implemented under the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage programme in 2012- a series of workshops; developing a model of medialab institution; conducting CAWI surveys; ITI interviews; image analysis; Desk Research
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I am a member of many scientific organizations. For example, Polish Sociological Association (from 2007), European Network for Social Policy Analysis - ESPAnet (from 2010), The European Map of Intergenerational Learning (from 2011), Social Innovation eXchange, European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing (from 2014), Generationes - International Network for the Study of Intergenerational Issues (from 2014), Eastern-European Ageing Societies in Transition Research Network of the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing (from 2014), European Sociological Association (from 2014), European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (from 2015). I also subscribe to various newsletters. I have a list of "favorite" organizations that websites I check regularly. I often travel to international conferences and workshops.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
01-04.2014 - outside expert - Izba Rzemieślnicza i Przedsiębiorczości w Białymstoku - Project: PWP: Przyszłość Edukacji Zawodowej - lokalne partnerstwo na rzecz zwiększenia adaptacyjności nauczycieli zawodowych (The Future of Vocational Education - local partnership to improve the adaptability of vocational teachers) implemented under the Innovative Projects Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 - desk research and FGI reports Practices of supporting teachers threatened by unemployment 07.2012-03.2013 - outside expert - Narodowe Forum Doradztwa Kariery - Project PI-PWP: Innowacje na zakręcie - testowanie i wdrażanie nowych metod outplacementu (PI-PIP: Innovation at the turn - testing and implementation of new methods of outplacement) implemented under the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 - development desk research reports Outplacement for companies - barriers, needs, growth factors; Outplacement for employees - barriers, needs, growth factors; development of research methodology and preparation of research tools; analysis of data and the development of quantitative research reports and recommendations


Residence location:
Polish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise