The KAIRÓS Project is here to stay – by Anke van Wijck, Project Coordinator
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11 April 2022In Mula several strands of action will ensure the continuity of the KAIRÓS objectives long after the closure of the actual project.

Strengthened by the well-structured Integrated Action Plan and in the firm believe that indeed the KAIRÓS moment had arrived, Mayor Juan Jesús Moreno and his government team are adamant in putting everything in place to halt and revert the decline of its emblematic historic upper quarters.
In order to revitalize these areas, reincorporate them into Mula’s urban realm and achieve a sense of revalorization among the population, adaptive strategies to open new possibilities include a wide range of actions of minor and major impact on a local, regional and national level. They go from renovation works to improve accessibility, through social programs focused on the integration of immigrant women or afterschool activities for neighbourhood kids, to active funding policies targeting the now available and much needed European funds to materialize renovation and rehabilitation on a larger scale.
Yet what in this context will have a most relevant impact and clearly meets European guidelines on horizontal regional integration is the constitution of a network of eight historic heritage cities in the Region of Murcia. In the increasing awareness of the power of heritage as a driver for development propagated by the KAIRÓS project, the initiative is coming into fruition under the determined leadership of the Mayor of Mula.
The upcoming final event of the KAIRÓS Project will culminate in the actual signing of the corresponding agreement by the Mayors of the eight cities involved in the presence of a Member of the European Parliament and the regional Minister … and will be witnessed by the delegations of the seven KAIRÓS partner cities.
The KAIRÓS Journey continues….
Submitted by Dorothee Fischer on