KAIRÓS is more than a propitious moment by Anke van Wijck Adán, City of Mula
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22 July 2022Empowered by the KAIRÓS Project with a clear vision of the relevance of cultural heritage as a potential driver not only for economic development and urban revitalization but also for the anchoring of local identity and differentiation, the Mayor of Mula took the initiative of gathering the Mayors of the eight cities with declared historic heritage in the Region of Murcia with the purpose of creating a common network.

It concerns cities with valuable built heritage that have become increasingly aware of their responsibility in preserving and maintaining such unique assets, as well as to recover the liveability and a sense of place in these historic neighbourhoods to the benefit of residents and visitors alike.
The mission is to define common problems, share experiences and devise joint strategies not in the last place regarding the application for regional, national and European funding. In fact, the ultimate goal is to create infrastructures to offer proper services to the citizens and to generate joint innovative and sustainable tourist products for visitors.
And no better moment to officialise their commitment than the final KAIRÓS event held in Mula at the end of April this year with the attendance of the Mayors involved and witnessed by all KAIRÓS partners present. At the end of July, all Mayors will again congregate in Mula to officially sign the constitution of the Network of Historic Heritage Cities in the Region of Murcia.
The continuity of the KAIRÓS moment has been secured, the journey continues …
Submitted by Dorothee Fischer on