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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My educational background is well based by the studies of spatial planning at the University of Dortmund (1999-2005) resulting in the degree of a graduated diploma engineer. These studies covered a broad mix of planning theories/methods, city construction, city planning, city marketing, ecological and economic city planning, traffic planning, social sciences and law. The two 1-year projects being part of the studies where dedicated to transport related issues of goods and person mobility. I collected international experience and know-how on different planning approaches and cultures during my exchange year in Stockholm 07/2003-06/2004 through the International Master Class on Spatial Planning at KTH Stockholm. My professional experience looks back at 10 years work in the field of sustainable urban mobility designs and measures. Main topics where innovations for urban mobility development in connection to residential areas and their development as the focal point of daily and periodical trips, city programmes to create and incorporate cycling programmes increasing the share of cyclists to mitigate the load from transportation, public transport planning especially for improvement of badly served areas, company mobility management as well as education of city employees and transport professionals in terms of sustainable mobility development approaches. My work is connected to cross-cutting topics such as health, sustainable housing, city development and ecological impacts.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
My experiences started during studies in Stockholm: participants of the International Master Class on Spatial Planning came from countries all over Europe, Asia, Africa and the US, enabling a broad and global view on urban challenges and offering new knowledge on planning approaches, cultures and solutions. My professional career started with the training and know-how exchange project COMPETENCE, dedicated to empower management/energy agencies from 14 European countries to become actors at the sustainable urban mobility market. By today, I co-ordinated 3 international projects (ADD HOME, VIANOVA, LIFECYCLE) with partners from 13 EU member states. All incorporated the design and implementation of educational programmes for the projects’ results to target groups such as construction/housing companies, city and provincial employees, local and regional decision makers, health sector professionals and mobility experts. Among my project work tasks was the creation of the idea, the methodical and didactical approach as well as the work plan for the project Transport Learning (, which aimed at capacity building, know-how exchange and mutual learning for employees of cities, management/energy agencies and transportation professionals on sustainable urban mobility designs in conversion regions of 8 European countries with more than 1.000 trainees. During project implementation, I acted as the designer of the training programme and a trainer itself.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
My oral and written English capacities derive out of two practical aspects: First, the exchange year in Stockholm required a high English capacity, since the International Master Class was held in English exclusively and the fellow students coming from diverse different countries left no choice but to communicate and work in English. The setting of the exchange programme itself based on a common daily life among exchange students requiring English as the main communication language, too. During the stay in Stockholm, my English capacity improved significantly to the level of fluent oral and written English already. Second, work since 2005 for FGM-AMOR was and is based on international project work with partners from different European countries. Since the partnerships represented per minimum 5 different countries, English was and is the main language of communication on daily work. Project meetings, skype/phone conferences, email-exchange, reporting, creation of guidelines and documentations, conference presentations as well as delivering educational services all need to be done in English, even when translation for non-English speakers is at hand. Due to the continuous practise of English since 2003 as the main language for professional tasks as well as partially for private communication (as a result of the international contacts), my English language skills are fluently oral and written.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Claus Köllinger is working in and co-ordinating transnational exchange and learning projects since 10 years with partners from altogether 22 countries. By this, he designs, plans and implements know-how exchange and learning activities through physical meetings and workshops standalone and at conferences, online based co-operations and discussions, tele-conferences via skype/other software solutions such as gotomeeting and usage of social media. He is following an interdisciplinary approach in exchanging and transferring knowledge from and to other professions than urban transportation, different cultural backgrounds, diverse levels of knowledge as well as professional career backgrounds. In his work, he uses practical and interactive elements to encourage know-how exchange and learning activities to empower participants for their future tasks such as role-plays, usage of videos and visual elements, direct practical work under trainer’s/expert’s supervision, distant learning and communication methods using online-media as well as modern present-----------------------------7df2ee88049e Content-Disposition: form-data; name="title" Köllinger

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Claus Köllinger provides 10 years of professional work experience in sustainable urban transportation covering topics such as strategies, plans and implementation of measures for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport services, SUMPs, mobility campaigns as well as source and origin related mobility management. His work comprises tasks for research, policy strategies, planning/implementing/evaluating sets of measures and educational activities. These tasks take place at transnational scale and in local, regional and national framework. During his 10 years of work, he gained competences to create, plan and implement transnational learning processes and know-how exchange out of projects such as Transport Learning (which performed 64 training events), LIFECYCLE and ADDHOME, but also at local or regional scale e.g. the Styrian advanced education model for energy consultants on transportation. He is proficient in producing guidelines and manuals out of learning and know-how exchange processes displaying the results and achievements in a focused way to be used by both, participants of the actions for further enrichment of the gained knowledge as well as by external persons for acquiring new knowledge and capitalisation on the actions results. Examples are e.g. for Transport Learning the co-creation of the joint training structure and the detailed training content of the training module sustainable mobility campaigns as well as the creation of the LIFECYCLE Implementation Manual.


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise