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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Philologist (post degrees studies in Editing and Training Management), and accredited as social educator. I have combined interest and practice in culture (including education, heritage, humanities and digital humanities, interculturality and innovation) with the engagement for inclusion (informal and non formal training, education, participation, youth as well as sharing economy). Inside this dialogue of cultural and social matters, I have developed analytical tools: conceptualization, implementation, and monitoring on projects of the above referred areas at local, national and international levels. I have developed practical skills when facing complexity: training delivery ranging from University to disfavored people in local contexts, leading local authorities consultancy works, promoting multiple stakeholder dialogue and consensus, being responsible of EU projects communication plans and matching planning with the different juridical, administrative and organizational contexts. My educational learning evolution has been twofold: I have achieved via further training and specialization courses the analytical or practical competences needed; the different projects where I have participate in have been a source of personal learning. Projects have been put into practice with a focus on sustainable development both in Barcelona (working with culture, social and civil rights departments) and in the cities partners that I work with. e.g. Madrid, Marseilles, Paris, Rome Lisbon
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
First level for exchange and common learning is the design of international projects. Normally, it is a deskwork with a strong online communication component, yet in need for, thought it needs interpersonal knowledge and trust. Second level is the participation in boards, steering committees or partnership meetings attached to the projects or the management of networks. Clarity, empathy and contextualization are essential for them all. I have developed them after participating in more than 70 international funded projects. The development of international common training tools and products to be locally delivered would be third level. This the case of training projects in the field of Lifelong Learning, where there is also a clear local dimension when experimenting the intellectual outputs acquired. Fourth level is when the process of creation of the tools and products needs an extra international learning activity. They range from the organization of Congresses and high level international conferences to small local seminars. Since 1997, I have participated in at least 15 different programes corresponding to different DG: Education and Culture; Justice; Employment and Social Affairs; International and Cooperation; Research and Innovation and ESF and ERDF, that is without mentioning the management of projects coming from other international funds (Interamerican Development Bank, United Cities and Local Governments)
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
The writing of projects and/or reports, attendance (to more than 100 transnational) meetings, usual online communication in different forms with partners all over Europe, presentations in different conferences, seminars and congresses or teaching courses are my usual working frame in English. That means a proficient use of the language in interpersonal and more formal registers. In addition to the constant expandind of the knowledge of the jargon of the European cooperation, and the adaptation to the expectations and necessities)of the different audiences in different forms when using English. Consequently, I am an active user of several social media networks (Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter) with +500 followers in each, being 60 % of them not Spanish speakers. For this reason, I have been responsible for the communication (online and offline) of numerous international projects such as: - CO-GAME: Learning history through videogames ( - DIGIJOBID: Digital identity to enhace working possibilities. ( - CULTURE PILOTS: training, discovery, city, culture ( - MIGOBI: Learning for entrepreneurship ( Being in charge of those projects not only means the care of the English texts, but more globally, the creation of a common linguistic frame, the acceptance of common glossaries and the intensive use of the social media, that is eminently verbal.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have been involved in the design and implementation of transnational exchanges since 1997 and in supporting learning activities since 1990. Normally as project coordinator, I have been also in charge of the content creation and delivering. I understand international projects as learning windows, and consequently I promote the participation from different perspectives: fostering collective creations, facilitating dialogue and further communication, cooperating with the different stakeholder, mediating amongst different positions, solving problems and reaching consensus or identify dissensions. I am acquainted with the preparation of verbal or visual tools (written reports, ad hoc presentations, graphics, infographics, videos, storytelling) in combination with facilitating methods of participation and learning to people and/or organizations of very different origins and contexts. I use social media strategies to support those processes. The strategies are adaptable to different target groups ranging from local authorities to grass-roots organizations and residents. Finally, I am able to integrate different knowledge and approaches in the final documents in different levels and languages, promoting their appropriate dissemination.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have promoted as leader or partner local and international projects where the development of human capital (specially via further and vocational training and the improvement of competences, knowledges and skills) was main topic. In most of the cases, it can be found: research, local practices, exchange, dissemination and development of tools and results. In many cases, main target were practitioners: social workers, social educators, cultural managers and artists, third sector organisations, training organisations, cultural organisations, universities members, policy makers and local and national authorities, but in an important number there was also participation of final users. Across the different projects, there is a combination of different approaches for designing, delivering and evaluating training in the different levels: initial, secondary, vocational, university and further training, that is the whole lifelong training process. Concerning to the subjects, they are addressed to the different ways of facing exclusion (from social, education and training, health, economy and more recently environmental contents to transversal aspects as interculturality, digital divide, discrimination or dissemination). They are also focused to the development of the sociocultural and cultural and creative sector and professionals (including strategic planning, innovation, entrepreneurship or internationalisation of activities).
Theme / Policy: 
Arts and Culture
Summary Thematic expertise: 
As project manager, consultant, training and innovation expert I have developed a threefold sectorial profile: expert on inclusion, development of human capital and arts and culture. I am aware of the different cooperation possibilities promoted in the European sphere (from EU specific culture orientes projects to independent mobility resources), and the way of using them to fit artistic and cultural needs I am not only aware of the evolution of the management approaches concerning arts and culture, but also about he dynamic evolution of the local cultural interventions. Part of my job deals with the successive impacts from the administrative and juridical frameworks, and with the tensions that shape the actual form of the culture in the city to the practice of cultural management: globalisation and gentrification; innovation and heritage; entrepreneurship and activism; audience development and inclusion.
Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Community Governance for public safety. In this project I coordinated the implementation of a public safety model addressed to community purposes in El Vendrell (Tarragona) and Raimon Casellas (Barcelona), where a multiple stakeholders scheme was set (police, local administration, justice officers, education authorities, local authorities, social workers and inhabitants). In both cases, local plans were designed and implemented and, specially in El Vendrell, are now part of local social policies CULTURAL PLAN OF TONA (BARCELONA). This plan is one of the different plans where I participated in Catalonia, Basque Country and Balearic Islands between 2007 and 2010. It was referred to the cultural policy rea, but developed a transversal vision across the different sectors of the council policies. It consisted in a diagnosis describing the demographic and territorial context, the position of the culture in the town, the cultural services and cultural supply and consumption, and a set of proposals to be undertaken (rearrangement of public services, training and creation, communication, heritage and new audiences. Conclusions came from combination of public participatory processes and intense local research:
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
The project LASI Local Administration and Social Inclusion, lead by the Warwick University, ( wanted to to improve the capacity of local authorities and theirpartners in EU member states to bring about more effective responses to poverty and social inclusion in their areas. The tools used were peer reviews, inquiry visits and benchmarkings. There were 5 countries participating. As responsible for Spain, I developed a local partnership with social services departments of the cities of Sant Adrià de Besòs (35.000 inhabitants) and Badalona (217.000). Officers, civil servants and members of civil society participated actively in the inquiry visit (where participants of the other country came for studying particular cases) and peer reviews (where effective dialogue according to a common frame was implemented). Finally, the different local stakeholders were engaged in an effective and transforming transnational dialogue.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I know the usual programmes to help the development urban development as INTERREG, URBACT, UIA and those coming essentially from structural funds. In any case my expertise comes from the participation in more than 15 EU programmes coming from different DGs and founds, where flexible and multidisciplinary approaches allow the combination of my three fields of expertise: training/education, inclusion and arts and culture with the transversal issues affecting urban development as growth and job creations, cohesion and environmental issues. One clear example of this approach is the project SAME WORLD (, where the questions of environmental justice, climatic change and ambiental migrations are seen from the point of view of inhabitants in urban areas. Here, the deployment of actions integrating solutions for the main target groups (refugees, migrants, practitioners attending them, local authorities) cover an integrated approach, embedding the main results and actions into local practices and policies.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
CO-GAME. Learning story through videogames. Development of a training system using heritage as a basis for videogames. In this running project designed and managed under my direction (16-18), 5 partners from different institutions (socio-educational centres, training institution, museum, cultural project) are developing a training curriculum and specific modules for embedding heritage and civic values into the creation of videogames. Heritage objects are quite different (Romans, Medieval, Renaissance and Modern era). Target groups and contexts are also diverse (from unemployed people and skilled trainees) and videogames industries and educational sector changes deeply from one city the other. Anyway, the designed common framework allows the adaptation of the training and the videogames created to the local needs in concentric circles: partnering institution, district of the city, video-game industry local sector and national education and training policies.
Summary Expertise: 
I have been in charge of the promotion of designing and delivering integrated policies to practitioners and target groups in very different local contexts. Methods vary from one programme to other, from one local context to other, but they try to include innovative tools (participatory training processes, use of digital tools in situated education actions, promotion of storytelling, exploring even allegedly far ahead actions as videogames,..) My expertise comes from the participation in more than 15 EU


Residence location:
Catalan - Mother tongue, Spanish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise