Ad-Hoc Expert
Generic Skills
B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development:
Since 1991, I work with cities on strategy development, innovation and sustainability:
- creation of the Rotterdam Sustainability Center (RDC), sustainability platform for cities and citizens
- director of the institute for applied research knowledge center ‘Sustainable City & Port’ (18 professors) focus on integrated and sustainable urban development (a.o. energy neutral suburbs, circular buildings, mobility)
- development of public-private partnerships for urban sustainability, such as creating and managing the first electronics recycling company in NL (DWZ), defining circular business models for difficult waste streams, business models for a plastic composites recycling plant
- creation of the Global Center of Excellence of Climate Adaptation (, engaging 47 international organisations (a.o. NGOs, banks, states, ministries), incl. several city networks.
- secretarial support Pieken Delta Zuidvleugel - regional stimulation programme on urban sustainability
- development of learning environments, e.g. Concept House Village, pilots for sustainable housing, living and monitoring (
- pilots for electric buses to test social resilience and demonstrate last-mile logistical solutions
- development/management of European collaborative projects (H2020, Interreg NWE/NSR) on resilience, liveability and climate adaptation in cities.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level:
- I developed a network of European port authorities on environmental management between 1992-2005. This network was initiated by the port and city of Rotterdam. The network is still alive and active and extended to >200 organizations world-wide.
- The tools and instruments for knowledge sharing, training & education and certification, that I developed in the 1990s, were endorsed by the World Bank.
- In my role as developer and director of the Rotterdam university of applied sciences research center, I developed and applied several methods for knowledge sharing between researchers, education institutes and practitioners. I also created peer-to-peer learning approaches for professors of applied sciences.
- As manager research and innovation at the Port Authority of Rotterdam, I gathered professors (BE,NL) into one center of expertise: SmartPort, where we created a research and learning program.
- Furthermore, I educated students (BSc, MSc), and professionals for 10 years in sustainable urban and industrial development. This included university classes, developing business cases and introducing innovative ways of education into NL with business case competitions. The latter is now implemented in at the business curriculum and named after me: KEESSIE
- I defined assignments in urban development and sustainable port development.
B.3. Proficiency in English:
I am an effective communicator in English, both written and spoken.
During my career the standard language of most of the projects was English. After an interval of 6 years at the Rotterdam university of Applied Science, the past two years most of my projects are in English again, in the position of the director of an international consultancy company with offices in the UK, the Netherlands and Spain.
My excellent writing skills are proven from the over 25 professional publications (mainly for individual organizations, therefore not possible to share here) and about 10 successful European project proposals and giving lectures at several universities. I am experienced in facilitating and chairing of and presenting at international conferences, round tables, working groups and project meetings.
An example online:
Thematic expertise:
Theme / Policy:
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise:
I have been working for 16 years as innovation management consultant, 7 years as manager research & innovation at a semi-public organization and 6 years as research director and strategist at a university of applied sciences. This experience has brought me all over Europe, initiating collaborative research and demonstration projects and setting up several networks of cities, industries and other stakeholders. My knowledge lies in the fields of sustainable development in cities, climate adaptation, circular economy, industry & environment and energy transition.
Partners and co-workers valued my approach in leading R&D consortia and multi-stakeholder projects, and during my role as director (leading 75 employees) as personal, empathic, professional, clear and genuinely involved.
Deep knowledge in the field of sustainable development. Expertise is creating strategies, programs and R&D projects, leading to on-the-ground practical experiments and implementation. Experienced in creating learning material, coaching students and professionals. Enjoying to extract findings from research and bring that to education.
Residence location:
Dutch - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level:
Foreign languages: