Join the URBACT team as Communication Intern!
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26 January 20162016 is going to be full of stimulating communication activies, team up with us in succesfully organising them!

Communication activities are a strategic pillar for the programme, aiming that urban practitioners and decision makers all over Europe have access and share relevant knowledge to foster urban sustainable development. To achieve this goal, URBACT developed an integrated system for communication activities that are organised in three main strands: programme level (coordinated and implemented by the Secretariat), national level (through the National URBACT Points) and network level (through the communication activities developed by the cities involved in URBACT networks).
Under the responsibility of the Communication Officer, the intern will contribute to the implementation of programme level communication activities.
Main tasks :
- Actively take part to the design, planning and delivery of the URBACT Summer University (23-26 August in The Netherlands) and other URBACT III communication and dissemination events;
- Assist in managing the digital content for URBACT website and social media accounts: draft articles, blog posts, coordinate newsletter publication, manage twitter/ facebook/ linkedin accounts, liaise with contributors, publish content on website;
- Assist in monitoring the URBACT on-line presence;
- Contribute to the design and delivery of URBACT publications (flyers, infographics, reports etc);
- Supporting other ad-hoc external and internal URBACT communication initiatives
To apply:
Send your CV and cover letter (in English or in French) exclusively by email to: and
Please note that only the selected candidates will be contacted for an interview during February 2016.
Deadline for applications: 31st January 2016
Important note: The internship must take place within a training programme. An internship convention will be signed between URBACT, the school/University and the intern.
For more information please consult the document attached.
Photo credits: © Melpomenem |
Submitted by Simina Lazar on