IoTXchange Network 6th Transnational Meeting Online
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10 December 2021Last week, on the 2nd and 3rd of December, the network gathered online for our last 2021 meeting. It was a very productive meeting, hosted by our Kežmarok partner, in Slovakia, a city where tradicion and innovation go side by side.

During day 1, all the partners shared the Small Scale Action current status, which we will share with you more deeply very soon. So, stay tuned!
We also had a Peer Review exercise where all the partners shared insights on the Integrated Action Plan drafs.
Day 2 was reserved for more administrative issues and an Open Section where we got to know Telelink Business Services from Bulgaria and discussed an evaluation that will be conducted by Experience Lab by mediacity, which aims to study how the project partners and their stakeholders have experienced co-creating online during the pandemic. This evaluation runs parallel with two similar processes - one international, one regional - which means we should have interesting and useful results before next summer.
IoTXchange Network next Transnational Meeting well be held online, on the 17th and 18th of February, and wil be hosted by our partner Dodoni from Greece.
Submitted by Mariana Salvado on