Introducing URBACT digital buddies
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02 November 2020We continue to support cities in their digital work, most recently through the creation of a pool of experts available on demand.

During the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, 23 new networks embarked on their action planning journey. Across the networks, capacity to work online was mixed. And we quickly responded with a series of measures to help all the networks to adapt to the situation at every level, especially for the partners lacking in confidence and experience around digital tools. As hybrid working may continue way beyond the end of the year, we keep learning, reflecting and adapting to the ever changing situation.
Meet URBACT Digital Support Experts
Lead experts Mary Dellenbaugh, Ian Graham and Liat Rogel (left to right) have been appointed to provide on-demand digital support to all APN networks. They have been selected based on their experience in designing and facilitating online meetings, their knowledge of digital tools and their great motivation.
Their support will be tailored to the identified needs, arising from an initial diagnostic exchange. This will for example include:
- Help with designing online meetings;
- Signposting to digital tools;
- Coaching with digital tools;
- Acting as online event buddies – enabling a team approach at events.
Where shared support needs are emerging, the support package will combine a mix of one to one coaching sessions with group sessions.
A growing set of tools for online working
This pool of experts is one strand of a wider capacity-building offer linked to digital working provided by the programme. It adds up to URBACT’s guide to online facilitation, published during the summer.
The URBACT toolbox launched during the e-University also displays specific information on how to adapt the tools to online working, with great examples and visuals coming from the networks.
A stakeholder ecosystem map, created on a Miro board by Ian Graham, Lead Expert for URBACT Digiplace Action Planning Network
As Programme Expert Eddy Adams already pointed out in a previous article, “in the coming months – maybe years – we will be feeling our way towards whatever the new transnational cooperation model is. (…)URBACT can now optimise these trusted networks to support the transition to the next generation of urban collaboration in Europe”.
Visit the URBACT toolbox for more tools and resources for integrated and participative working.
Follow the #eUniversity2020 on social media and on our dedicated website.
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