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Interregional cooperation helps public authorities make better policy

Edited on

01 December 2017
Read time: 1 minute

Four interregional programmes – ESPON, Interact, Interreg Europe and URBACT – covering all EU member states and partner states, share the aim to increase the capacity of policy-makers to develop and implement better policies.

They provide evidence and a framework for policy learning from the European perspective, and an exchange of experience among national, regional and local bodies in different countries. This paper aims at informing policy-makers at the EU level about the benefits and added value of the interregional programmes in times of resource scarcity.

Policy-makers all across Europe – in local governments, cities, regions and national ministries – face a variety of political and societal challenges: reducing unemployment; adapting to migration effects; promoting social inclusion; boosting green economy; improving transport links. What unites them is the challenge of designing and implementing policy in an increasingly complex and interdependent environment. With a competition for resources, tight in many contexts, where budgets are being squeezed, the need for policy that brings results and meets public expectations for quality of life is high. This is where these Europe-wide cooperation programmes can help.

Read the full paper HERE.