Integrated Action Plan meeting Cáceres
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07 February 2022At the end of January this year the Cáceres team met with their Urban Local Group to discuss future plans for their Integrated Action Plans. To start the meeting the URBACT programme was introduced to everyone present, so everyone was up to speed on the programme and about the European context behind Resourceful Cities.

The main part of the meeting concerned creating future plans for the Integrated Action Plan (IAP) for the city of Cáceres. The IAP concerns the gathering of organic waste and creating compost out of this waste. In parts of the city there are urban gardens that collect organic wase from the garden itself, such as waste from pruning, and organic waste from its surroundings. Currently this is done in a very rudimentary way. This means that the process can be done more efficiently and can be mechanized.
The participants in the meeting discussed guidelines that can be used in improving the composting process at these urban gardens. It was mentioned that urban gardens could receive a certain stamp for participating, to motivate them to join the project. Another idea was to make organic waste containers available to make the separation of organic waste from other streams mandatory. Several attendees mentioned that waste separation needs a certain level of knowledge. Therefore it is important to educate both adults and children on the importance and rules surrounding waste separation. Involving the public in the process and creating educative possibilities for children were mentioned to support this foundation of knowledge.
These ideas will be taken into account when creating the guidelines for the IAP.
Submitted by Amy Jansen on