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Edited on

19 January 2017
Read time: 1 minute

 Roquetas de Mar, 26th of October 2016

Venue: Hall of Events of the Social Affairs Building of the Town Hall of Roquetas de Mar



·         Day dedicated to the dissemination of the URBACT Arrival Cities project.

·         Information on the proposal of the Municipal Council of Migrations.

·         Presentation of the Arrival Cities Project and the “Local Action Plan”.

·         Information on laws 39/2015 and 40/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations.

·         Questions and answers:

–          Information on the use of Health Cards of other people in Health Centers and Residency Cards in the Andalusian Employment Service.

The session started with the presentation by Juan Francisco Iborra of the Arrival Cities Project, a two-year transnational program (2016-2018) which provides for the exchange of experiences and mutual learning among ten European cities. The project funded by the URBACT Initiative, will carry out five Transnational workshops and a Local Action Plan.  Juan Francisco Iborra asked, to representatives of migrants associations participating in the forum, support  for the elaboration of proposals and measures that can be included within this Plan.

Concerning the organization of the working methodology, the speaker suggested that first each association develop its proposals and later a common list of proposals can be outlined. A draft of the calendar has been proposed together with the working dates: in November the associations are going to work individually, later, before the 16th of December there will be the first meeting and presentation of each one’s proposal and by the 20th of January the final list of proposals will be defined, in order to have it ready for the meeting in the Local Urbact Group in February.

Later Juan Francisco informs the participants about the requirements of the laws 39/2015 and 40/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations, together with the application procedures.

In conclusion Pilar Baraza (Health District) reports that have been detected cases of use of health cards of other people in health centres and as this practice is sanctioned people can incur in serious consequences, therefore is important to spread the information received among their communities and members.  Humbelina Manso (SAE) also comments that the same is happening in the employment service but with Residence Cards and that has been denounced to the authorities.

After a last turn of questions and answers the meeting ends at 2pm.

News published on the Minicipality webpage: