Idrija | Playground on the city square
Edited on
29 November 2018by Tina Lisac, Idrija Municipality (Slovenia)
City Centre doctor project is coming to an end – or if we say better – end of a new start.

During the project we held different activities and one of most important activities aside of study visits, analysis, ULG meetings, were our beta actions. Firstly, we started with reviving empty space in the centre of Idrija. After collecting ideas at Idea Café the pop-up living room was revived. But not just that an empty space was transformed into a welcoming living room, a room for townspeople, a room to read, chill, chat and hang out with friends. On these three days, our pop-up living room was open from morning to evening, offering fresh coffee from all around the world, home-made cookies and cakes. Moreover, books, magazines and newspapers were waiting to be read and afternoons were filled with many events.
But beta action Playground on the city square was mere success. It was carried by the Youth Centre Idrija in cooperation with the Association of Friends of Youth Idrija. In the time of the Week of the Child city square was transformed to a playground. Beta action was actually 2 beta actions at once, since the urban playground consisted of urban furniture like deck chairs and benches made of pellets, where we tested the need for urban furniture on the square. And playing areas – for example corner with circus accessories, corner with social games, "Cornhole", table tennis and table football where we tested if there are events and playgrounds needed in the city centre.
Playground on the city square was greatly accepted as a whole idea and there were a lot of people attending an event and using urban furniture – sitting and chilling out and of course waiting for children who enjoyed the whole experience. Beta action resulted in actual action and direct impact on happening in the city centre – more people coming to use usually empty public spaces. Now children come to play even when there is no events on the city square. And most important of all - Playground on the city square will become a regular event!
Submitted by Alberto Ferri on