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Ideas and partners for the URBACT APN from Spain

Edited on

22 March 2019
Read time: 5 minutes

Some months ago the Spanish National URBACT Point launched a simple questionnaire to ask cities which topics they would be interested in for the last URBACT  Action Planning Networks call according to the ten Thematic Objectives (TO) covered by the URBACT III programme. In this article we present the results we gathered through that form. If you are city looking for partners or ideas, take a look to the contents below. If you prefer, you can also use the URBACT Partner Search Tool.

URBACT launched the last call for this funding period on 7th of January. This call is focused on the new Action Planning Networks (APN). Action Planning Networks aim to help cities in Europe find solutions to common urban challenges. These networks bring together between 7 and 10 partners from different European countries to share experience and learn from each other. The partners will produce an Integrated Action Plan and will have the opportunity to test some small scale solutions in their cities. This work is done by bringing together local stakeholders and working in local and transnational partnerships.

  • The URBACT III Programme is looking for up to 23 new Action Planning networks.
  • The deadline for the online submission of the Phase 1 Applications is 17 April 2019, 15:00 CET.
  • You can find more information about the URBACT Action Planning Networks’ call here.


Find the Spanish cities’ proposals & partners


In order to facilitate the partner search and matching between cities we launched a simple questionnaire to ask cities which topics they would be interested in for the last URBACT Action Planning Networks call. We summarize the results below.

We also recommend you to take a look to the URBACT Partner Search Tool, available here:

We will present this results on the Spanish National #InfodayES, which will be hold in Madrid on January 22-23. The event will be in English and all European cities interested in participating in the URBACT APN call are invited to join us.

Other National URBACT Points and European cities will attend to this event as well. We think is a very good opportunity for  European cities to do some networking with Spanish and other European cities, and get involved in the URBACT programme.

The aim of the #InfodayES is to provide cities with space and time for effective networking and proposal design.

You will find all the objectives, details, contents, draft agenda and the registration form of the #InfodayES here:








More developed

Project Partner

1) City Branding as a transversal tool for enhancing city competitiveness

Joan Chicón


More developed

Lead Partner / Project Partner

1) Implementation of the Urban Agenda in medium sized cities.

Enrique Rodríguez

Santiago de Compostela

More developed

Lead Partner

1) APN of sustainable creative cities included or candidated on EU Barometer of Creative Cities, European capitals of culture or UNESCO creative cities

Branca Novoneyra

Roxana Topciov


More developed

Lead Partner / Project Partner

1) Measuring sustainability of small-sized cities: Develop a common methodology to create indicators at city and sub-city level linked with the Sustainable Development Goals, to assess the achievement of them and manage how to use the indicators in strategic urban planning to support local decision-making, design, finance, implement and monitor sustainable and integrated urban development policies on small-sized cities.

2) Gavà wants to lead the transition towards Zero Waste politics; to do so, the City Council wants to start the transformation of Gavà’s infrastructures to adjust them to these new necessities. Circular Economy has become a key concept for this process

3) Food for all: Provide food in a sustainable and equal way, reduce food waste and promote healthy diets. Preserving and promoting agricultural uses and their natural environment and contributes to improving the quality of life of citizens. This idea is related with different urban topics about inclusion and environment: Neighbourhoods, Health, Food and Waste. We are committed to implement Milan Urban Food Policy PACT.

Isabel Arnet


More developed

Project Partner

1) Affordable Housing

Maite Arrondo


More developed

Project Partner

1) Energy transition plans

2) Integrated climate change adaptation and mitigation plans

3) Smart City labs

4) E_ mobility

5) Integrated (affordable) public housing plans

Leire Iriarte

A Coruña

More developed

Lead Partner

1) APN on innovative entrepreneurship ecosystems (but not only start-ups) of metropolitan areas

Marta Núñez


More developed

Lead Partner

1) produce an Integrated Action Plan to address a specific policy challenge, which is how to use peri-urban areas of the city that are under-used to promote sustainable agricultural and farming production which will create new green jobs for young people and entrepreneurs, matching land owners with potential farmers in innovative ways, training and giving resources and spaces to potential farmers to develop this new economic activity and helping these products to be commercialized in nearby markets, thus contributing to have more sustainable and resilient cities

Sònia Puyol
Joan Espel


More developed

Lead Partner

1) Citizen Participation using Web Platforms to submit ideas, to vote and prioritize proposals and to decide on best proposals based on the CONSUL platform:

Borja Prieto

Vilafranca del Penedès

More developed

Lead Partner / Project Partner

All kind of projects that allow projects to increase the energetic self-sufficiency of the city.

1) Taking advantage of the biomass of the vineyard to create new district heatings.

2) Economically facilitating the installation of solar panels.

3) Promoting the use of electric cars in tourist circuits.

Carme Ribes


More developed

Lead Partner

1) The city of Vic proposes to create a network of cities to deepen the relationship between health and the urban environment. Analyze how urban planning affects the health of the inhabitants and study the best way to carry out the recovery of a degraded green area in order to asses its impact on health

Marta Rofin

Vilanova i la Geltrú

More developed

Project Partner

1. Create an innovation consortium where to promote the local innovation.
2. An evolution of the cowork concept for the next step of the SMEs.
3. A peer learning programme focused on ICT

Ester Toledo


More developed

Lead Partner / Project Partner

1) Deploying the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal n.8 on a local scale
2) Deploying the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal n.13 on a local scale
3) Fighting school failure of young people at risk of exclusion, bringing them new training resources for job placement and market oriented

4) Sport as a tool for social integration and social cohesion

5) Promoting the role of women in the world of science, technological studies and in technical careers

Jordi Güell

Alcazar de San Juan


Project Partner

1) Towards clean public transport with Hydrogen

2) Eliminating marginalisation focus by material, economical and social improvement.

Ana Salomon

Molina de Segura


Project Partner

1) Training of young people, entrepreneurs, civil society in I+D+i
2) Create networks of cities, universities, organizations, funders, research and technological development and innovation to promote a culture of innovation in public policies and society

3) Enhance the figure of the agent of innovation in cities

4) Create maps of resources for the use of ICT applied to the management, participation and development of sustainable urban policies
5) Promote codes or protocols in cities to develop urban sustainability, with fiscal commitments, social credits, etc.
6) Promote commitments of citizens and cities in the fight against climate change, adopting individual cards, organization cards (schools, companies, youth groups ...) or city cards to register actions, routines, small goals
7) Engage cities to achieve a local catalog of green jobs, as well as a certain volume, ratio or number of sustainable jobs in the urban area and facilitate the exchange of experiences of urban green jobs
8) Favor the participation of citizens and local communities and groups that are disadvantaged, vulnerable or at risk of exclusion in urban sustainability initiatives (improvement of housing, urban environments, consumption of alternative energy, sustainable mobility ...) as a means of inclusion Social. Apply measures of urban regeneration in neighborhoods and depressed areas with the direct involvement of residents in them through their social and economic participation

Antonio Gomariz



Lead Partner / Project Partner

1) Promoting social inclusion economy and companies

2) Integrated Action Plans for Deprived Neighborhoods

Jose Maria Bernal


More developed

Lead Partner

1) By restricting traffic and eliminating physical barriers, the city council has redesigned Pontevedra from the sight line of a child. The policy, which has been expanding for almost two decades now, has had many impacts on the community. One of the most tangible: The once-languishing historic city center has become a friendlier space for kids and their caretakers. The city council has run a very successful strategy, promoting attractive and affordable residential developments in the urban area rather than in the suburbs, and an urban model that is sustainable, greener, convenient, and designed to support citizens throughout their parenting process.”

2) The local council develops the project, a bank of time to promote collaboration, entrepreneuship and the collaborative network of the citizens

Africa Rodriguez

Barcelona Provincial Deputy (non-city partner)

More developed

Project Partner

1) Energy Efficency in Housing and in Housing Renovation / Risk prevention policies in cities
2) Urban Renewal and Housing renovation

3) Affordable Housing

Anna Font


More developed

Lead Partner / Project Partner

1) Smart tourism

Alberto Lorente


More developed

Lead Partner / Project Partner

1) Sustainable urban mobility

2) Immigration and social cohesion

Alberto Lorente


More developed

Lead Partner / Project Partner

1) Waste management

Alberto Lorente

Santa Pola

More developed

Lead Partner / Project Partner

1) Retail revitalization

Alberto Lorente


More developed

Lead Partner / Project Partner

1) APN of thermal cities members of EHHTA Network

Jordi Tresserras


More Developed

Project Partner

1) Urban Security (comprehensive approach): Promoting communities' linkages to improve the perception of security in vulnerable neighbourhoods and face urban challenges using participatory methods.

Nicolas Gharbi



Project Partner

1) Digital administration (public)

2) Rehabilitation Town Public Market and creation of new pedestrian areas in town centre

3) Reaching efficiency in public buildings with previous assessments and investments

4) Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and related interventions

5) Regeneration of depressed areas in town

Jorge Pérez Onsurbe


More developed

Project Partner

1) Tree plantation/ implementation in degraded urban areas

José Ramón Díaz Barbeito


Less developed

Project Partner

1) Innovation as a protagonist of change in rural employment

2) energy renovation of buildings

3) Waste management -circular economy - zero waste town

Fran Giraldo Pavón



Project Partner

1) City centre revitalization and retail

2) Circular economy

3) City Branding

Inma Marqués Espejo

CSIC (Research centre, non-city partner)

More developed

Project Partner

1) Climate change, health and mortality: Heat waves, health and mortality; Use of longitudinal data and Big Data on climate change, health and mortality for risk prevention.
2) Ageing, health and social inclusion.

Ángela Martínez-Carrasco Martínez


More developed

Project Partner

Revitalization of deprived neighbourhoods, focusing in the following topics:

1) Growth of sustainable mobility, in particular the use of bicycles.

2) Development of a bicycle friendly commerce.

3) Creation of accessible, quality public spaces that are elaborated

according to a co-creation process with citizens and users.

4) Structure of the commercial offer based on the development of the

local economy and the km0 products.

5) Social innovation and energy transition (in the broadest sense) as a

transversal concept to all initiatives.

Nuri Moradell

Intromac (Research centre, non-city partner)

Less developed

Project Partner

1) APN to use abandoned heritage monuments, sites and landscapes.

2) APN to promote age-friendly cities and Silver Economy
3) APN to translate circular economy principles into day-to-day relations with suppliers and businesses
4) APN to increase the buildings renovation rate towards Nearly Zero Energy Building through Energy Efficient Retrofitting policies

Angeles Perianes


Less developed

Project Partner

1) Cultural heritage & tourism promotion

2) Boost job-creation based in local economy (retail, tourism, cultural, environmental)

3) Regeneration of natural and ecological corridors, planning of sustainable public areas

4) Bike path to conect key points of the city

María Guardiola

Regional Government Extremadura

Less developed

Project Partner

1) APN to facilitate citizen participation on issues related to social protection in cities (women, elderly, children)
2) APN to develop green urban corridors and cultural heritage tourist resources

3) APN to promote autonomy among pupils and avoid bottlenecks in schools front door at peak times
4) APN to identify vulnerable urban areas to develop urban renovation methodology

5) APN to promote autonomy among pupils and avoid bottlenecks in schools front door at peak times

Eulalia Moreno


Less Developed

Project Partner

1) Replacing the lighting of public buildings with another more efficient one.

2) Installation of efficient water heating systems in heated pool

3) Replacing the boilers of public buildings with more efficient ones.

Aitor Zubitur


More developed

Project Partner

1) Urban regeneration and social cohesion program of the Santa Olga district.

Daniel Gutiérrez

Sant Boi de Llobregat

More Developed

Lead partner

1) Social innovation for healthy aging within an inclusive city ecosystem

Marca Aguilà


More Developed

Lead Partner

1) Sharing cities

Nuria Valero

Diputación de Cáceres (non-city partner)Less DevelopedProject Partner

1) SMART TERRITORIES: digital applications focused on the development of territories. New technologies an opportunity for the distribution of the population in the territory: reverse depopulation processes, and improve high population densities: sustainable and alternative mobility, access to basic services, communications, leisure and trainnig, crop control, producer-consumer connection.

2) E-ADMINISTRATION and NEW GOVERNANCE: tools adapted for the management of processes and procedures, to facilitate the agility, simplicity and transparency of procedures and management of administrations. 

3) SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC BUILDINGS: Recycled materials in buildings. Integrated and sustainable passive energy storage systems.

4) ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Passive building standardization. Monitoring domestic and industrial consumption . Management platforms and data integration.   Real time data Publication. Urban comfort strategies. New urban pavements against urban-heat-island effect

5) WATER CYCLE. save water consumption actions , facilities grey water recycling and sewage treatment processes. water processes monitoring, real time publication. New consumption strategies

6) SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY. research new and creative forms of flexible, sustainable, inclusive and public transport, combining transport management and digital tools.

Victoria Domínguez
Mejorada del CampoMore DevelopedProject Partner1) To prevent and identify situations of solitude not desired in the Commonwealth of Mejorada-Velilla. The goal is to promote the creation of a formal and informal support network within districts and to work directly with those affected people, to generate opportunities for meeting and improvement of welfare.