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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
 I graduated in administrative law (LUISS 1999) earned a Phd in EU and Comparative Public Administration (La Sapienza, 2006). The next stage was the LL.M. in Law and Economics (New York University, 2008), were I also worked as a research scholar (2006-2008), as Emile Noël Fellow at the Jean Monnet Center and as research fellow at the Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management. Since then I started working on the study and practice of urban governance approaches to foster innovation processes, community-led urban development, participatory governance of cultural heritage and governance of the commons. I deepened the study on this topic as associate professor of public law at Guglielmo Marconi University and as research fellow of the Fordham Urban Consortium, Fordham University of NYC (2016) and Professor of Urban law and Policy at LUISS University (2017). In 2011 I founded and currently direct LabGov, a transdisciplinary research program and a clinical education program at LUISS University of Rome involving students and scholars in the work with local communities and local governments to craft and implement urban policies and practices based on the adaptation to the urban setting of the design principles and methodologies discovered by Elinor Ostrom in the study of natural resource commons. LabGov is a way to co-design law and institutions with society, developing research and empirical frameworks to enable local communities and city governments pool their efforts. 
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
The CO-City methodology I developed is generating interest in EU cities. Amsterdam, Athens, and Barcelona have expressed interest to start test the CO-city protocol. Also for this purpose, I was invited as a speaker to the meeting of the Social Affair Forum, organized by EUROCITIES (October 2016) in Athens, and at the international event of Barcola, the Barcelona city council working group on collaborative economy were experts, citizens and sector representatives have been working together on EU policy proposals/recommendations: Recently, I was invited to the event “Urban Commons: towards the communitary management of public goods and services”, organized area of participation of the Barcelona Municipality (November 2017). In AmsterdamI have been invited several times as a speaker in the New Democracy Series, organized in Parkhuis de Zwiger by the City Makers Movement, in the context of the drafting process of the EU Urban Agenda. I was speaker in the session on LabGov AMS at the Peer Value Conference (September 2016) with policy makers and scholars from the Department of Urban Studies (University of Amsterdam) and to a practicioners session on LabGov AMS at the IASC Utrecht Conference (July 2017). The Co city approach ( is currently an open research and experimentation agenda under development in collaboration with Sheila Foster, from Georgetown University. I am also advising the City of Seoul on sharing economy.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I author and co-author scientific articles, books, policy briefs, blogs in English since 2008. See all the complete list of articles and other publications in English here. I started studying and working in English since I was awarded with the LUISS Amerigo Scholarship and I had the chance to spend a period as a visiting student at Boalt Hall of Berkley University in early 2000 and later (Aug-Dec 2000) as an intern at the International Law Institute, Washington D.C. at the Center for Public Procurement Law and Policy where I conducted research and drafted memoranda in the areas of BOT projects, public-private partnership and government contracts. I deepened my knowledge of written and oral English through the period spent as a research scholar and student of the master in Law and Economics at New York University, and more recently as a Fellow Scholar at the Urban Law Center of Fordham University of New York, School of Law. I participated as invited speaker to many international conferences, were I gave public speeches in English, and I am frequently interviewed by thematic journal and policy makers network on the issue of innovative urban development. See, among the others, the interview “Developing Protocols for the City of Commons”, gave to Urban Next available in video version here: See also the interview Towards a New Vocabulary of Terms - Christian Iaione (IT) gave to Urgent City, available in video version here: 

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
My academic and professional experience in the context of urban development and research projects I was involved in the last 18 years allowed me to acquire a sophisticated knowledge of tools and methodologies applicable to best practice sharing and learning processes in international projects. They provided me with skills for supporting transnational exchange and learning; communicate project outputs to a wide audience (academic and mainstream) composed of English and non-English speakers. The knowledge acquired through teaching, research, legal practice at international level and projects on urban development and governance made me a skilled facilitator of complex processes as well as a captivating speaker, good discussions moderator and mutual learning/co-working methods’ expert. Through my experience in international conferences and training programs I organized, co-chaired or direct I developed sensitivity towards different capabilities that emerge in heterogeneous groups, and to produce concrete and effective outputs that contribute to the production of practical knowledge, mutual learning and the development of a policy or practice community around specific issues. Thanks to the applied research projects and learning platform I coordinated I developed capabilities for making stakeholders belonging to different backgrounds and with different levels of experience work together, empowering those who seems to be powerless and mediating interests and roles in the partnership

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I started studying urban governance and collaboration since my law degree (1999) with a dissertation on collaboration between public and private sector to carry out public infrastructure projects. Through my PhD in European and Comparative Public Administration (2006) I deepened my knowledge of public law and policy at the EU level. As a research scholar at New York University (2I conducted research on local public entrepreneurship through urban regeneration projects and started working on the study and practice of urban governance approaches to foster community-led local/economic development, participatory governance of culture, governance of the commons. I then developed studies and experimental governance in many cities developing the co-city approach ( I worked as director of Labsus (2008-2014), deeply involved in the co-design and drafting process of the Regulation on Collaboration for the Urban Commons in Bologna. I then founded with some of my students a spin-off experimenting innovative urban policy making through “co-governance labs” (,,, Tuscany Region: in which I advise urban authorities or NGOs in the operation of testing grounds to create and measure legal and policy tools for implementation of urban co-governance. My publications on this topic: 
Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My professional expertise and practice has been developing in the last years around public and social innovation and their connection with local governance. Since 2011, I focused my professional and scientific career on governance tools for inclusive urban development, implying collaboration between public, private, knowledge institutions, civil society organizations and the so-called “unorganized public” ( i.e. local communities, commons). I practice local government law, also related to urban renewal since 1999 and in 2011 I founded and currently direct LabGov, the LABoratory for the GOVernance of the Commons, a transdisciplinary research program and a clinical education program involving students and scholars in the work with local communities and local governments to craft and implement urban policies and practices based on the adaptation to the urban setting of the design principles and methodologies discovered by Elinor Ostrom in the study of natural resource commons. LabGov is in fact a way to co-design law and institutions with society, developing research and empirical frameworks to enable local communities and city governments pool their efforts. I started developing study and practice first as research scholar and master student at NYU (2006-2008) later as research fellow of the Urban Consortium of Fordham University (2016-ongoing) and currently as Adjunct Professor of Urban Law and Policy at the Department of Political Science of LUISS University (2017-2018).
Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I started working on the issue of local economic development since my administrative law dissertation. I used this knowledge as an associate practicing in international law firms (i.e. Allen & Overy, Freshfields) on public-private partnerships and project finance. Through LL.M. in Urban Law and Economics at New York University, earned in 2008, I had the chance to enrich my knowledge of critical issues for the US urban law and policy. From 2006 to 2008 I also worked at New York University as a research scholar, first as Emile Noël Fellow at the Jean Monnet Center where I conducted a research project on local public entrepreneurship through urban regeneration projects and publicly-owned companies and then as a research fellow at the Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management of the NYU Wagner School of Public Service, developing a regulatory framework to foster car sharing and pooling through economic incentives schemes published here. I recently advised the City of Reggio Emilia (2016-2017) building a living lab or laboratory of open innovation dedicated to social innovation and social inclusion: Through research funding coming from the Fund for Research into Electrical Systems (RSE), Three Year Plan (2016-2018) where a project is devoted to the experimental development of a Smart District Urban Integrated Model, conducted by ENEA I am conducting an applied research project in the neighbourhood of Centocelle, Rome: 


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Unavailable - already performing the role of Lead Expert for an URBACT network

Area of expertise