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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
As I studied Tourism Management with a focus on destination management several subjects focused on the development of places and incorporated sustainable aspects into planning. While studying we already participated in several field trips e.g. to Hoi An (Vietnam), Sintra (Portugal) and the Biesbosch National Park (Netherlands), where we did destination analysis and came up with own project ideas/portfolios to develop the places in a sustainable way. After studying I worked as a tourism and city manager for the city of Altena for 2 1/2 years. As the city faced with a massive decrease in population, vacant shops in the city centre and a shortfall of infrastructure (among other consequences) I developed a pop up store project to revitalize the city centre. The project was a big success with 14 pop up shops (temporary shops) opening up in 2014 and seven of them settling in the city after the official project phase ended. However, I soon discovered that there is more to a sustainable city development than revitalizing the city centre. A downwards spiral in city development is usually triggered by a complex interplay of diverse factors and naturally accompanied by a negative, averted attitude of the inhabitants towards their city. Thus, an integrated approach for me incorporates not only the development of the physical space, but also the perspective of the people as well as the sustainable (re)use of resources.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Studying in Breda (Netherlands) and Barcelona (Spain) for four years in total I was constantly surrounded by an international study environment, where working in multinational groups, presenting own projects and ideas as well as doing peer assessment was encouraged. During my bachelor’s degree I also worked as an intern for a Spanish hotel chain in Marbella for half a year. Being exposed to a new culture and language was a great learning opportunity to me and I realized that the desire to completely immerse yourself in a different culture and getting to know the people is the greatest driver for fast learning. Moreover I worked as a teacher for tourism management and innovation at IKHALA Public FET College in Aliwal North, South Africa for half a year. The students aged from 17 to 27 mainly came from the township areas (often underdeveloped segregated and poor areas). It was a great experience for me to pass on my knowledge and be able to inspire students, who are in the starting phase of their professional career. Additionally to the job as a teacher, I worked as a caregiver in the children centres of the township, where I was obviously confronted with major cultural differences. To me it was a very rewarding experience to gain a deeper intercultural understanding and challenge old belief systems. Overall I see myself as an advocate for hands-on, practical learning activities that enable people to apply the knowledge to real life situations.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I completed both of my studies (three years Bachelor in Breda, Netherlands and one year Master in Barcelona, Spain) in English within an international study environment. Before studying in Holland I also passed the TOEFFL test. Moreover I spent half a year in South Africa where I communicated a lot with native speakers and further practiced my English by writing about my experiences in my own blog. Therefore, both my oral and written communication skills in English are at a high standard.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Related to local governance my main highlights in terms of professional experiences are the following: - Coordinating the research project for experimental city development in Altena, which involved managing the financial resources, determining the projects carried out and summarizing the main learnings for the funding authorities. - Managing the pop up project, which was designed to revitalize the city centre, foster local entrepreneurship and creative solutions to population decrease. Thanks to the project in 2014, 14 pop up stores (including two cafés) opened up in the city centre of Altena offering all sorts of creative products and services. The project set new impulses for city development as the short-term and test character of the project encouraged people to take action. The project even let to a permanent establishment of seven new shops/cafés. This project not only extended the offer for tourists but also for locals. - Initiating the flat share project, which I did in collaboration with the construction company of Altena, led to a new offer of three flat share houses in Altena and made the city more attractive to younger people. - Compiling a business plan for a township magazine in South Africa, which involves community-led local development, participation, social innovation and financial engineering. Next to the ideation of the project, I already worked on the idea with the teenagers on-site and developed an implementation strategy/ business plan.


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise