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How can cities use smart technology to enable circular economy

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02 October 2018
Read time: 1 minute

As part of the European Week of Regions and Cities, on 12 October 2016, representatives from the city of Guadalajara who are part of the Smartimpact Network, took part in an URBACT workshop, which focused on how muninipalities and the private sector perceive the potential of the circular economy and what technologies can be used to strengthen it.

Guadlajara SmartImpact Presentation

Representatives of the cities of Gavle(SE) and Guadalajara (ES) presented technological innovations they have been using in recent to optimise exisiting local resources, addressing both waste management and waste prevention. Tested solutions include ICT systems, such as social media to raise peoples' awareness and responsibility towards waste. Computers available in all garbage trucks inform cleaning and recycling services about badly sorted waste, whilst most of the citizens in Gavle get feedback through their mobile applications dedicated to this purpose. The city now plans to go further with informing people about the environmental impact of the products they buy, with enriched code bars. Guadalajara uses a Technology, Talent and Tolerance model betting on ICT to use and enhance the human capital and develop a tolerant, open and innovative civil society.

The city is testing five pilot projects on different areas like the Bindogs, intelligent waste bins connected to the internet, notifying the cleaning services about the waste available in each bin and awarding the users who recycle as necessary; SmartCross for an intelligent pedestrian crossing; Tuciudapp, a communication channel by QR codes, SMairT, an environmental monitroing system with low-cost sensors; and SmartAparc for Parking space detection based on computer vision.

Both cities stressed the need that projects related to circular economy need monitoring systems measuring the impacts at local level.

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