HOPUS Summer workshop
Edited on
09 October 2017
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International workshop
School of Architecture "Valle Giulia" - "Sapienza" University of Rome
Rome, June 24 - July 7 2009
The workshop “Urban and housing design Quality” is promoted by the School of Architecture of Rome “Valle Giulia” in the framework of the European Research project HOPUS (Housing Praxis for Urban Sustainability) with the support of URBACT II Programme and the European Commission.
School of Architecture "Valle Giulia" - "Sapienza" University of Rome
Rome, June 24 - July 7 2009
The workshop “Urban and housing design Quality” is promoted by the School of Architecture of Rome “Valle Giulia” in the framework of the European Research project HOPUS (Housing Praxis for Urban Sustainability) with the support of URBACT II Programme and the European Commission.

The workshop will be organised as a design laboratiry on the main issues of urban and architectural quality.
The conceptualisation of quality will be driven by working on an inner area in the city of Rome, in particular one of the former bus depot ATAC “Vittoria”.
The seminar (a 14 days workshop) is addressed to students and young graduates from the schools of Architecture in Italy and abroad and will be divided in different steps:
To apply and for further informations, please contact:
urbact@uniroma1.it or +39 06 49919161
The conceptualisation of quality will be driven by working on an inner area in the city of Rome, in particular one of the former bus depot ATAC “Vittoria”.
The seminar (a 14 days workshop) is addressed to students and young graduates from the schools of Architecture in Italy and abroad and will be divided in different steps:
- visit to the selected area
- introduction to the main theme through and introductive seminar
- design on the theme assigned: participants will work individually or in group with the support of teachers and tutors and their work will be evaluated in progress
- discussions on architectural and urban quality led by researchers and teachers
To apply and for further informations, please contact:

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