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Van Den Bergh


Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Professionally, I have facilitated organisations working in culture, environment and finance to build closer relationships and enable partnerships with local authorities, cities and devolved governments. My focus has been on integration through partnership and sustainable urban development in the context of social (including cultural), economic, environmental and community priorities. Cumulatively, my experience has incorporated working as a culture and sustainability professional with policy organisations C40 (network of 91 megacities), World Cities Culture Forum (network of 36 cities) and the UNFCCC. This includes supporting the Greater London Authority and Manchester Arts Sustainability Team to develop collaborative working as part of their urban development plans. Previously, I worked within the context of devolution supporting the Welsh Government to develop EU Ambassadors and Cardiff Council to scope a European Capital of Culture bid. Independently, I have helped numerous organisations build European funding applications that incorporate sustainable urban development as a driving factor. I have a Bachelor of Laws, with modules incorporating devolution, European Union law, Intellectual Property and public administration, provides a strong grounding for urban development challenges. My wider expertise in financial risk, capital markets, technology and the future of work created additional benefit. Successful policy development does not exist in a vacuum.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Knowledge exchange, learning approaches and transnational collaboration are the driving force of my work. My unique approach combines the knowledge from working with cities, funders, policy institutions, charities, creatives, environmental organisations and corporate entities, as well as setting up an independent consultancy practice. In 2016 I managed Creative Climate Leadership, a global learning programme for creative professionals taking on active leadership roles on climate change. This is being adapted for policy makers. In 2014 I managed the Wales European Arts Forum, tasked with increasing transnational exchange between organisations across Europe. Over the past 5 years I have facilitated new collaborations (often catalysed through funding applications) across Europe and globally. Evidence of this documented in my IETM Fresh Perspectives report. Prioritising time for my own learning and development is a critical part of my professional development. I have been selected for leadership courses Culture Lab Wales, IETM Campus, and was shortlisted for British Council Future Leaders Connect (15,000+ apps). The principles of transnational exchange goes beyond getting the right people in dialogue. It is about shaping values, sharing cultures, understanding common challenges and using strategy to work through differences. Empowering professionals from different backgrounds and experiences to come together and collaborate over interconnected challenges.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
English is my mother tongue. It is the primary language I use for work: to present, pitch, share and communicate. I am a strong communicator fluent in speaking, listening and writing. I have developed a core understanding of communicating English with people who are non-native speakers using English as a second language, through working in numerous international partnerships. I am adept at listening, interpreting, understanding, decoding and wording communications in a way that is clear and easy to understand. I have participated in numerous international networking opportunities, building new partnerships with people who are speaking English as a second language. I have also gained experience developing, preparing and drafting applications for European funding streams to a high level. This has included coordinating a successful Creative Europe funded project, Creative Climate Leadership, working with 8 partners from across Europe. I have been involved in the development of various learning resources for second language English speakers, including a global training course for creative professionals (Julie’s Bicycle) and the development of a young learner programme (Edinburgh School of English). My work includes working in sustainability and climate change, which has its own complex language. I have the communication skills to make this topic relatable to professionals from different industries including governance, policy, art, culture, finance and business.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My knowledge and experience includes environmental issues, the arts and culture, local governance, research, innovation and the knowledge economy, entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs. Most recently, my focus has been two-fold: firstly, on better integrating climate change into cultural policy, and secondly better monitoring the implications of climate change on the transition to a low-carbon global economy, with a focus on finance. My career started with a Law Degree, which has given me the appropriate foundations to develop a holistic approach, using my skills to tackle systemic challenges, work across industries and further the development of role of arts and culture. My working history has included starting up a risk advisory company, Equilibrium, and joining the Board of Directors of an entrepreneurial dance company, Coreo Cymru. It has involved working for a world leading arts and environment charity, Julie’s Bicycle; managing European projects for Wales Arts International, Arts Council Wales in partnership with British Council; advising arts and sustainability companies, and policy-makers on development opportunities as an independent consultant; working for the BBC on marketing and communications and leading independent research. My varied approach draws on the skills I have learnt from different industries, different types of organisations (mission-led, policy-led and profit-led) and combining them into a truly unique approach for my client.
Theme / Policy: 
Arts and Culture
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Tangible and intangible cultural heritage, performing arts, literature, venues, digital culture, libraries and museums, artistic crafts, festivals, music, visual arts, European Capital of Culture.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Cities, local authorities, community participation, devolution
Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Working at Julie’s Bicycle I have been involved in two highly-successful policy developments that I have been involved in designing and delivering. The first is working with Manchester Climate Change Agency to help co-design and develop a network of policy and industry organisations to better cultivate action on climate change. Through the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team (MAST) I have supported the development and facilitated meetings on implementation of local policies. This has included the development of a cross-industry strategy, building on the Manchester Climate Strategy. It has included the development of activities for fundraising and stakeholder engagement across the network. Working also at Julie’s Bicycle I supported the development of the Arts Council England environmental sustainability programme, which JB has ran since 2012. This has created a policy shift-change in the arts in the UK. My role included developing a communications strategy for our work with Arts Council England and sharing the merits of the programme with local authorities and councils across the world who are interested in developing similar programmes. It included dialogue with different stakeholders, including government departments. In 2017 we re-tendered for the Arts Council Contract and I was heavily involved in the development process. This included responding to a brief and bringing the learning from our existing programme, to co-create a strategy and programme for the next cycle.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
After developing the World Cities Culture Forum policy handbook, we have begun co-designing a programme for cities to implement cultural programmes that prioritise environmental sustainability. As part of this development we have created a diagnostic template, which will act as a monitoring and evaluation tool for each participating city. It will set a baseline, and be used as a tool for reflection and monitoring. While working on the Arts Council England environmental programme, I was involved in implementing a rigorous evaluation of our policy development and programme delivery, incorporating environmental impact data, commitment to sustainable development and anecdotal evidence about content and programming. Taking the learning from this programme, when tendering for the 2018-2022, as part of the development process I led co-creation of a monitoring and evaluation approach with the wider JB team.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Fundraising is a critical part of my work, and I have developed significant experience of the funding infrastructure at EU and national level, particularly funding that supports sustainable development, environmental sustainability, innovation, community projects and arts. Over the past 6 years, as a consultant and an employee I have developed funding applications for: • Creative Europe x4 • Erasmus+ x2 • ERDF x2 • LIFE+ (early development) • Arts Council England • Esmée Fairbairn Foundation x4 • Big Lottery Fund • Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust x2 • International Opportunities Fund x3 • Innovate UK x5 • Foyle Foundation • Interreg Wales-Ireland • KONE Foundation • Prince Claus Fonds • Clore Duffield Foundation • KR Foundation x2 • Nesta ShareLab • Polden-Puckham Charitable Trust • Voices of Culture
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
The Creative Climate Leadership project is a global training programme, developed by 8 partners across Europe. We have had participants from countries including Zimbabwe, China, Australia, Singapore, Spain, Germany, Slovenia and the UK. I managed the programme and helped develop our content for different audiences. Although we have one programme, we looked at adapting the way we work dependent on who we were working with, so that they could get the most out of the learning. This included how we managed the development of the programme. For example, when working with our Slovenian training partner, we adapted the content and tools around how they worked, including their culture. Working at Julie’s Bicycle as a consultant project manager, all of my work relies on adaptation. We have a baseline knowledge on sustainability and arts that we adapt to different client scenarios. Working with the Manchester Climate Change Agency and Manchester Arts Sustainability Team, we took our carbon monitoring tools and our content and expertise in this area, and applied it to their unique challenge: how to get higher levels of engagement and lower levels of environmental impacts across the city. Through a facilitative process working with stakeholders across the city, and by building learning experiences out of the work JB has done with other cities, we are co-creating an approach that fits them.


Residence location:
United Kingdom
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise