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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Sustainable urban development is deeply connected to human capital development. What kind of values, knowledge and skills we encourage and develop in our youth and children leads the way to how integrated and sustainable urban development will be in the future. I have a degree in youth work and professional background in the field, working for Tallinn city, in Tallinn Youth work Centre (TYWC) for 8 years. During these years contributing to city’s development as a youth worker, youth centre manager and international youth work coordinator. Being responsible for creating developing and inclusive urban environment for children and youngsters in ages 7-26, in local and international level. Career in youth work field has followed with ongoing work in more broader education field since 2014 in Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI) and since 2017 University of Tartu (UT). In addition to other tasks, the work has consisted of developing entrepreneurship education, career training and enterprising education, bringing together business and education sectors to work on common goals In the period of 28.01.2019-15.05.2021 I have been involved in URBACT III “On Board” project helping Tallinn city as local expert. URBACT On Board Transfer network aims to help local governments to build new partnerships to co-create policies to empower younger people with the necessary skills to become active & engaged citizens able to face the challenges of new societies.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
In 2019-2021 working with URBACT III “On Board” project ( That project has given me a chance to get to know about URBACT methods in transferring a good practice EIN from the city of Viladecans and exchanging other good practices between partner cities. In 2017-2019 „ApprEnt: Refining HE Apprenticeships with Enterprises in Europe“ ( which aimed to bring together education and business sectors and other relevant stakeholders such as public bodies, learners and VET providers, with the aim of promoting the establishment of work-based learning and apprenticeships. Exchange and learning activities at transnational and local level were the core of my role and responsibility working in Tallinn Youth Work Centre in 2006-2014. Managing different international youth exchange projects, funded by Erasmus+. For example in 2011 “Creative Global Education” with the main topic of global education and consumption. The issue was addressed through multimedia and art. In 2013 “Darwin says we are all animals – How we depend on the natural environment and cultures” focusing on the balance between the natural environment and human activities. The central theme was addressed through various active learning methods, such as photography and video, reuse and drama workshops, group discussions and role-plays. During youth work years I was also closely working with international volunteers volunteers via European Voluntary Service program.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have used English as one of working languages for 15 years. My proficiency in English is not supported by certificates, but it was my first foreign language learned in school from the age of 9. I also have experience living and working in fully English speaking environment (Australia) in 2007-2008. In 2011 working as International Youth Work Coordinator in Tallinn Youth Work Centre, my main working language was English. Coordinating transnational youth projects and hosting international volunteers. Most recent use of English, working for Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as Entrepreneurship Education Project Manager, has consisted of writing projects and reports, attending transnational meetings and interacting in different forms with partners from different parts of the world. Also attending international conferences and seminars, taking part of group discussions etc.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have a background in youth work, working for the City of Tallinn for 8 years . Now, for 7 years and continuing, working in Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and at the same time at University of Tartu for 4 years and continuing. My work consist of being responsible for the field of education and youth (employment, skills development, lifelong learning). That includes initiating and developing local, national and transnational cooperation relations. My diverse professional experience showcases my ability to work work with children, youth and adults from different social, cultural, economical and professional backgrounds. All this requires the adaptation of different methods and tools according to your target group. Exchange and learning activities at transnational and local level have been part of responsibilities throughout my career. I have experience in working with and involving different stakeholder such as students, parents, teachers, school leaders, employers, enterpreneurs, public bodies and NGOs. I have experience in organizing conferences, seminars, roundtables and meetings both in physical and virtual forms. Activities such as collecting case studies, exchanging good practices, group discussions, workshops, role-plays, teambuilding exercises, energizers, ice-braking and feedback methods are not unfamiliar to me. These methods can be used successfully with youth and also with adults.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Working in Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI) and University of Tartu, I have 7 years experience of active inclusion of different stakeholder such as students, parents, teachers, school leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals working in enterprises, public sector officials and NGOs. The essence of my work in ECCI is having responsibility dealing with most of the topics on the wide field of education and youth. This includes being involved in the formation of education and youth policy. Organizing conferences, seminars and round tables to bring togethers representatives of all the stakeholders named above. Contributing to various researches and projects on local, national and international level. I have also been an initiator and and project manager of nation wide initiative in Estonia called „Tööle kaasa!“/ENG „Bring Your Child to Work Day“, which took place for the fourth time in February 2021. In addition I have a diverse experinece in active inclusion of youth. I have a degree in Youth Work and 8 years of professional experience working directly on the field in several different positions and roles. I have been a youth worker, I have worked as International Youth Work Coordinator, and as a Youth Centre Manager. Throughout my career I have also been responsible of communication and dissemination. Administrating websites, social media accounts, organizing marketing campaigns, writing press releases, articles and interview has been part of my daily work.
Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have a background in youth work, working for the City of Tallinn for 8 years . Now, for 7 years and continuing, working in Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and at the same time at University of Tartu for 4 years and continuing. My work consist of being responsible for the field of education and youth (employment, skills development, lifelong learning). That includes initiating and developing local, national and transnational cooperation relations. Here are some examples of activities have been involved in or responsible for: • Being a member of numerous work groups on national level: • Organizing conferences, seminars and round tables to bring togethers representatives of important stakeholders in education. • Working as local expert for Urbact „On Board“ project. • I am the the collector of good practices and the co-author of 2 publications (2018 and 2020) of „A collection of good practices for cooperation between companies and schools“ ( • Managing nation wide initiative „Tööle kaasa!“/ENG: „Bring Your Child to Word Day“ (www.töö • Contributer in reaserch (2018) „ Piloting entrepreneurship education modules in general, vocational and higher education“ ( • The main topics I have worked with in education field has been enterprising education and entrepreneurship education, career training and cooperation between schools and companies.
Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have a professional experience for 7 years of Working in Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI) ECCI is the oldest and largest Estonian representative organization of entrepreneurs with a mission to promote strong and friendly business environment in Estonia. Working on a position of Entrpreneurship Education Project manager I am responsible for the field of education. The main topics I am working with are enterprising education and entrepreneurship education, career training and cooperation between schools and companies. Which are all deeply connected with the competitiveness of enterprises and the future of entrepreneurship. In addition I am working as Entrepreneurship Education Programme Specialist in the University of Tartu, since 2017.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Working in ECCI the organizations’ mission is to develop entrepreneurship in Estonia through business services and playing an active role in designing economic, entrepreneurship and related fields policy, for example such as education or employment policy. It is common practice for the Estonian state to involve ECCI in drafting new legislation or new national programs and strategies. To bring out one example how I prepared for an input to the amendment of Employment Act and new legislation about employment of minors. In order to shape ECCIs position and get an overview stakeholders opinion, I organized a seminar with 100 participants. Involving different stakeholder like youth, employers, parents, school representatives, The Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Social Affairs and State Audit Office. The seminar focused on the employment of youth, especially minors and the opportunities to gain their first work experience and getting to know the world of work. Presentations on related topics were made, followed by group discussions involving all the participants with mapping the challenges and the opportunities and finalized by the panel discussion with the state representatives. After that we conducted a survey among enterprises asking for their opinion on the necessary changes concerning the employment of minors (summer jobs etc). As a result we prepared proposals for the Ministry to implement the necessary changes in the law. Many of them were approved.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
My experience in designing and applying monitoring tools for integrated and sustainable urban policies is connected with the background of working in youth work field in the Tallinn. I was involved with the compilation of Tallinns’ Youth Work Strategy. My daily work was designing, delivering, monitoring and evaluating youth work in the City District Nõmme, being a manager of and coordinating the work of districts two youth centres.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
As my recent work has been more connected to wider national policies and not so much with urban planning, my exposure to this specific area is very modest. I do have a good partnership and cooperation with Tallinn Education Department and in this connection I have been involved in the URBACT III „On Board“ project. All this has made me more familiar with URBACT.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
In the URBACT III „On Board“ project I’ve had a role of local expert. I have been responsible of: • Participation in the project local working group, preparation, conduction and participation in the working group seminars and preparation of summary reports; • participation in the preparation of the project action plan at the level of the city of Tallinn; • project impact assessment and development proposals. Having a good ovierview on the situation of enterprising and entrepreneurship education, career training and community involvement in education all over Estonia. Having previous experience in coordinating a cooperation network which brings together socially responsible companies and organizations, with the aim of designing and giving value to enterprising attitudes in youth. All that has given me a good base to help developing EIN in Tallinn. To bring out some results, network members now have better awareness of the importance of entrepreneurial competence and developing enterprising attitude of children and youth. Better overview of different opportunities and programmes available for schools, youth centers and kindergartens. Tallinn Education Department now offers new opportunity for schools to join nation wide education programme "Enterprising School". The network consists of educational institutions from all over Estonia, that define the goal of education as shaping an enterprising approach through learning on the basis of national curriculum.
Summary Expertise: 
Working in Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry the organizations’ mission is to develop entrepreneurship in Estonia through business services and playing an active role in designing economic, entrepreneurship and related fields policy, for example such as education or employment policy. It is common practice for the Estonian state to involve ECCI in drafting new legislation or new national programs and strategies, in which I have been working with. To design and deliver integrated and participatory policies, I have organized conferences, seminars, roundtables and conducted surveys. Being a member in different committees and expert groups (often led by the Ministries).


Residence location:
Estonian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise