Green, Just and Productive Cities Webinar Series
Edited on
15 September 2021As the current Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU) comes to end, time has come to share results, explore synergies with other relevant initiatives and feed into its renewal process.

In this context, a series of 3 webinars is organised in line with the Green, Just and Productive city dimensions, as established under the New Leipzig Charter.
The webinars will showcase examples and initiatives from cities on how to develop resilience and further the implementation of these dimensions at the local level. They will provide a space for discussing achievements, remaining issues and future opportunities to help cities face their challenges and contribute to sustainable urban development.
The webinars will take place on the following dates, between 14:00 – 16:00 CEST:
- The Productive City: 20 September 2021, with a contribution from URBACT city Piraeus (Greece) from the Tech Revolution Transfer network
- The Green City: 27 September 2021, with URBACT city of Prato (Italy) from URGE ('circUlaR buildinG citiEs') Action Planning Network
- The Just City: 4 October 2021
>>> Find out more and register here <<<
The webinars are based around the series of articles on the 14 Partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU which link actions and activities with other relevant EU projects and initiatives supported by Cohesion Policy (including Urban Innovative Actions, URBACT and Article 7 cities benefitting from the European Regional Development fund (ERDF).
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