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Good Practice Awards : 97 European Cities practices received their URBACT certificate in Tallinn

Edited on

03 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

97 Good Practices Awards have been delivered tonight to 90 European Cities during URBACT City Festival in #Tallinn. The practical solutions awarded are used by the winning cities every day to tackle challenges such as demographic change, climate and environmental targets, unemployment and urban poverty.


“One of the key selection criteria for URBACT’s Good Practices is that they can be picked up and transferred elsewhere.” says Adele Bucella, Head of Projects and Programming at the URBACT secretariat in Paris.

Scores of tried-and-tested city solutions are being showcased in Tallinn and are available online on a dedicated Good Practices website. The “URBACT Good Practices” are also on the spotlight for two days during the URBACT City Festival in Tallinn.