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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I studied Civil Law and after that I was working for 15 years in the Staff and International Division of the Dutch Ministry for Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment. In this position I was member of the Ministerial Project Team responsible for the development of the national Fourth and Fifth Note for Spatial Planning. In particular, I was responsible for the coordination with the larger Dutch cities to ensure that their views on sustainable urban development were taken into account in the development process of these national policy documents. A balanced development between economic, social and environmental goals was the driving principle behind these national policy papers. I co-drafted 3 transnational INTERREG programmes and in this position I ensured that urban regeneration projects were considered as a relevant topic in the strategies of these programmes. At project level I drafted policy recommendations and performed knowledge management tasks linked to brownfield development, healthy living and energy efficiency measures in historic city centers in the projects Retina (, Telemedicine (Interreg IIIC) and GovernEE ( Being a Deputy Director of the NWE programme I advised numerous organizations on how to improve project applications also those ones linked to sustainable urban development. Finally, I was involved in 4 Urbact projects as a Lead or/and thematic expert (Repair, Re-Block; P4C, UrbenEnergy Phase 1).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have an in depth knowledge and experience with designing and implementing exchange and learning activities at transnational level. The concept of transnationality is one of the crucial elements to be safeguarded in EU cooperation programmes like URBACT. Being contracted for guiding the implementation of approved projects I developed and implemented numerous concepts to ensure that EU projects were executed taking into account the transnationality principles and to ensure that partners from different countries could not only share their experiences but also transfer them from one to another. This increased the added value of these projects for the participating organizations and institutions.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I was fully responsible and actually have drafted 5 approved Project Applications in all Interreg strands and in Urbact II. In my capacity as a managing Director of 3 International Consultancies I was responsible for the succesfull drafting of more than 20 EU project applications in various programmes. All these applications had to be written in English. In these projects I was quite often involved and acting as a Project Manager, Knowledge Manager or Expert and in this position I chaired and moderated numerous international workshops, seminars and project related master classes. Evidence of oral communication: an interview on Industrial EU policies and renewal of abandoned industrial sites in urban areas at Euractiv Stakeholder Workshop: Written in English:

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have significant experience in organizing, delivering activities aimed at facilitating peer learning and effective working relations – based on the various URBACT/Interreg projects I participated in as thematic/lead expert, project drafter, thematic manager, expert on policy implementation actions, etc. These projects were e.g. Retina (Interreg IVB SEE), GovernEE (Interreg IVB Central), Waterways Forward (Interreg IVC), Telemedicine (Interreg IIIC), Health for Growth (Interreg IVC), Re-Block, Repair, Urbenenergy, Placemaking 4 Cities (Urbact II). In these projects I was involved in the conceptual phases on transnational knowledge management. I guided and moderated more than 15 international seminars, masterclasses, study-visits and peer reviews. In order to achieve the common interest of partners I surveyed partnership knowledge level and used it for developing knowledge transfer matrixes tailored to the specific needs of the partners. Currently managing 10 people I have thorough experience in conflict management. Being project manager I found that inactivity of partners was mostly due to lack of support from their organizations. If considered helps building trusty relations and assisting these people in creating a better awareness in their organizations on the added value of working in transnational projects. I gave numerous presentations even to groups of non-native English speakers, drafted and presented several sustainability reports and policy recommendations.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I worked for more than 15 years as a policy advisor for the Dutch National Spatial Planning Office. Furthermore I was for two years project manager for the Spatial Vision for the North-West Europe area. I drafted surveys, negotiated between multi level stakeholders, drafted speeches on the Fourth Note of Spatial Planning for the Minister and I prepared and gave trainings on spatial planning policies. I was also responsible for the drafting of 2 transnational Operational Programmes (Interreg NWE and North Sea). I am a knowledge manager on brownfield revitalization, and I was a thematic expert in the Re-Block project dealing with strategies to revive the post second world war high rise housing blocks.
Theme / Policy: 
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Between 2006 and 2014 I was the drafter and founding father of 4 international projects linked to Health Care with linkages to the urban environment. In the Telemedicine project I carried out a study on the consequences of Telemedicine for Urban Planning and development. In the RECAP project (Interreg IVC - Regional Care Portal, which I drafted, the impacts of the setting up of integrated Care portals were studied and tested. The Dementia project (Interreg IVB NWE, was dealing with stimulating physical exercise for dementia patients and how the design of public spaces could stimulate this. In the Q-Ageing project (quality ageing in an urban environment, I prepared a report and moderated a project meeting on how to link the views of appointed thematic experts with the intermediate results of the transnational knowledge exchange. In the Health for Growth project I drafted Policy recommendations and a sustainability report and presented these during a workshop at the final event (, I have a deep rooted understanding on how to maximize the results of transnational cooperation projects in the Health theme. I was the initiator and drafter of a Health Cluster project in Interreg North West Europe which was capitalizing on the results of all Health related projects in the programme.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Please have a look at box C.1.1. for the overview of transnational projects in which I have been involved. In all these projects multi-level stakeholder engagement processes were crucial for the implementation methodology (e.g. involving local stakeholders in the elaboration of action plans). For the methods used please have a look at box C.1.3.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
The Retina project on brownfield revitalization and the Re-Block Urbact II project are the best examples of projects in which I have been involved linked to the design and evaluation of urban policies. In the Retina project I developed an audit report on the Model Masterplan with a critical view on the integrated approach within the Model. In the Re Block project I developed mini scans on how the findings of the project could be used for new integrated policies and strategies on regeneration.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
EU Liaison (my company) is member of the European Affairs Alliance. There is a Knowledge Management system developed and implemented in which employees are drafting on a monthly basis sectorial Knowledge Management reports (also on Urban policies and policies relevant for urban development). So I am updated on a monthly basis regarding all EU and urban developments.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
For 6 years I was a counselor in the municipality of Rijnwoude in The Netherlands. In this position I was dealing with local, regional and national planning issues and in particular with safeguarding local interests and needs linked to the High Speed Train trace. In all the international projects I referred to I worked together with over 50 different municipalities from 11 different countries in Europe. Understanding the local needs and working on solutions to bridge different interests existing in sustainable local development is deeply rooted in my style of working.
Summary Expertise: 
At national spatial planning level I have been responsible for strategies on engaging and bridging needs of local authorities, regions and national level. I was knowledge manager on brownfield revitalization (e.g. Retina project) I was a Thematic expert in 3 Urbact projects with the main focus on steering and guiding partners on how turn Local Action Plans in concrete implementation plans ready made for future funding I designed and applied a Knowledge Management system at my company in order to update our knowledge on e.g. sustainable urban policies. I initiated and successfully drafted various transnational projects in Urbact and the cross border, interregional and transnational strands of Interreg


Residence location:
Dutch - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise